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As for bad guy vs bad leader.... it is a tough call, but I am drawing the line in the sand on the premise that for this instance, he has decided it is a good idea to hurt one group of the most defenseless to simply make a point.

One that I just don't think he even believes in. If a new gun law saved a kids life, or an adults, or any life, then maybe it isn't so bad. And if it gave those parents who lost their kids some solace.... maybe that might be ok too. That just isn't the motivation and he made that clear. It was obvious in his rhetoric and the fact we had incidents happening at a high rate in his term and he allowed the supreme court to overturn Chicago and it's ultra no gun policy.

He very obviously doesn't care about the policy, and just wants to play a "who writes more rules down" game. I didn't believe it before. I thought he was just drinking dem coolaide and wanted America to be better, no matter how misguided I thought his approach was. This flipped the script, and isn't a fox news sound byte.

He just want's another peace prize, or symbol that he could one up the other guy. Not because it is what he believes, but because he just want's to arbitrarily one up some imaginary nemesis

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Well it fits well in my hands! Still messing around with it but its nice how fast this thing is compared to my droid x

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Well it fits well in my hands! Still messing around with it but its nice how fast this thing is compared to my droid x


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you must be Paul Bunyan!

LoL.... How many people outside MN will know why that is?


Edited by dem beats

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Yup. I don't even have normal "gym socks". I did buy some of the smart wool athletic socks but more often than not I just wear the light hiking.

Cotton goes to shit if it gets sweaty. And then it gets nasty. Wool is sturdier, and regulates the moisture so much better.

Smart wool hiking socks are really one of those "game changer" kind of amazing products.

I like them for hiking, hate them for wearing daily. The REI Coolmax socks are not warm, but good at wicking, stay put, and have material in all the right places.

These: http://www.rei.com/product/789943/rei-coolmax-ecomade-quarter-socks but not in the quarter height.

For camping and hiking actually I wear the smart wools. Wool may regulate the moisture nice, but in my case it causes it as well.

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you must be Paul Bunyan!

LoL.... How many people outside MN will know why that is?


it seems people outside of MN have no idea about the old tall tales. Paul Bunyan, John Henry, Pecos Bill, none of them.

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Tested the bag last night at 26F. Froze my fucking feet, rest was warm. Need some thermal socks or something.

Smart wool. Best bang for your buck by a looooooooooooooong shot.

REI makes a good knock off too.

You need to buy all wool though. Some synthetics do a better job, but they will cost way more and won't wear as well.

If your feet stank in general, they would be a good investment. I wear them year round now. Cotton socks, even for the gym, are for chumps.


Generally I just don't wear socks, but for this I was wearing two pairs of regular cotton socks. I'll definitely order some wool before my backpacking trip later this month. :D

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Yup. I don't even have normal "gym socks". I did buy some of the smart wool athletic socks but more often than not I just wear the light hiking.

Cotton goes to shit if it gets sweaty. And then it gets nasty. Wool is sturdier, and regulates the moisture so much better.

Smart wool hiking socks are really one of those "game changer" kind of amazing products.

I like them for hiking, hate them for wearing daily. The REI Coolmax socks are not warm, but good at wicking, stay put, and have material in all the right places.

These: http://www.rei.com/p...e-quarter-socks but not in the quarter height.

For camping and hiking actually I wear the smart wools. Wool may regulate the moisture nice, but in my case it causes it as well.

Smart wool warm?

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Then you need ice fishing wool socks. Or ones that take heater pouches. I think I have some old school ones that actually have a little metal flask that you burn fuel in. Those will warm you up.

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I have some super thick ones from Cabela's that I wear when snowmobiling if it is below -20 or so.

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Dope, that's what I'll order. If my feet had been warm last night I would have slept like a baby.

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Just took a shower. Was wearing Smartwool's, lol

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Now wearing Ultimax socks which are warmer when not moving than the Smartwools, but that may be more volumetric in how they fill my shoes. Thicker. In boots I'm always really frickin' warm, but I basically wear Iditarod boots so that is no surprise.

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you must be Paul Bunyan!

LoL.... How many people outside MN will know why that is?


Lol I'm 6'3 and 360lbs. I'm a bigger fella. My football gloves were xxxl's.

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All this talk of warm socks...a cold front is moving through...the high will be 61 and low will plummet to 37. That's pretty damn cold for central Florida.

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They are all on the hubs. At least on the front.

What sucks is a scan cost $89. Definitely going to have to invest in something to do it myself in the future.

A worthwhile scanner will easily cost $1700-2K. $90 for someone who can analyze the data they are looking at is very fair. Believe me, if people really knew how much data we have to analyze for what may seem like simple diagnosis it would blow their minds.

What doesn't suck is I know the problem and hopefully after next week my dash will be check this, check that light free for the first time in over a year.

Good feeling, eh?

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Gun control sounds awesome to me. Please bear in mind, it is not the individual that commits these horrific crimes, it is the weapon's fault.

One of my coworkers was spinning a brake drum on a lathe to tighten the silencing strap. He jammed his thumbnail between the drum and the cutting bit and tore his nail off his finger. I am going to start a protest in an attempt to ban all brake lathes now. Obviously it was the lathe's fault, not my coworker's fault.

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My belief is guns kill people the same way spoons make them fat.

The thing is I am willing to hear others opinions and discuss. I doubt someone could make me feel otherwise, but maybe.

In this situation the guys trying to push some laws couldn't come up with an argument so they leveraged a group with no voice.

Eff that noise. I can smell the BS and alligator tears from here.

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The patented touch the outer corner of his eye move when he wants to look empathetic even looked weak with that public address.

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dude, i keep a little bit of shrooms kept up for a rainy day.... ( dont judge me) and

i got the bag today to combinde two bags... and the one was chewed on.. ALOT. a fucking mouse has been eating my shrooms,.... mother fucker must be tripping balls right now.. i wonder if hes whistiling and acting like hes steering a steam boat... holly shit.. the last thing i need are mice tripping balls in my house!


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