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12" Kicker CVX12D2 750W factory renewed or Power Acoustik MOFO-12 1200W(probably overrated) new for same price.

Obvously Kickers are better subs, can factory renwewed be trusted for quality and longevity. Don't knnow why they say renewed and not refurbished, that kinda scares me.

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why do you automatically think kicker is better? i'd go with whatever you feel sounds the best. i haven't ever heard cvx's before, but a friend of mine had a 15mofo that got pretty loud, and took a TON of abuse (and power) for years before giving out. what kind of amp will you be using?

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Factory renewed is as good as new. The CVX will take a lot of abuse. The MOFO, it is extremely peaky and overrated.

I'm guessing the price is $350? If so why don't you go with some Fi, Ascendant, or even Sundown?

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Factory renewed is as good as new.

x2 they may have some cosmetic flaws on the magnet or basket but work just like new they are just Re-coned with new softparts

as for the mofo's... I've heard a pair and they weren't terrible, got fairly loud and sounded ok (I can't say good but good enough for the average joe)

depending on what you're paying you may have some other better options in the same price range

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Black and Blue looks like the answer for you!!...Might look at the IA stuff.

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yeah, what kind of prices are you looking at? if theyre dirt cheap (like my friends 15mofo 139 shipped to HAWAII), then go for them. if not, i'd go with something along the lines of what was suggested.

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The MOFO's are $139 Kicker renewed are $149.

I get different answers every time I ask about MOFO's. This is my price range so it's one or the other. (MOFO's are 1ohm coils which makes them more appealing, Kickers are 2ohm)


Going to power 2 w/Hifonics amp either Brutus 2000W or 2400W in ported Sonic box 3.0^3 ft.

Just an average Joe showing off to other avg. Joe's (and their girlfriends-wives-sisters and uh! daughters)

Edited by buttmonkey

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if you want 2000 watts, you should get the brutus 2400w and upgrade your electrical.

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Why, not just give them rated power, and keep them a little bit longer.

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That sounds like a feasible suggestion but I was told 12's would be better for me because I listen to more Rock/Pop rather than Rap so 15's have more distance to move to keep up with double bass hits.

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That sounds like a feasible suggestion but I was told 12's would be better for me because I listen to more Rock/Pop rather than Rap so 15's have more distance to move to keep up with double bass hits.

other than the fact the size of a sub has nothing to do with what it can play if you cant fit 15's the 12's are 152 each

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