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my fuse is one where i have to strip wire, but a ring terminal on both ends, then put the terminal over the posts that i tighten the nut on that holds the fuse in place. i first used the terminals that came with the kit, i just smashed the wire into the terminal on the ground with a hammer (ik im a noob but it worked for the battery end). it slipped out when i was running my wire, so i started over with both ends, and used a vice this time to hold the wire into the terminal. they slipped out AGAIN, ( :madsign: ) so then i said F it and just smashed the raw wire between the fuse and nut, lol. what should i do!? the fuse is just gonna be sitting under my back seat in my explorer if that makes any difference.

Edited by casedawg350

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What is this fuse for, an amp without onboard fuses? Do you already have one right next to the battery under the hood? Can you give us pictures so that we can see what kind of a fuse holder you're dealing with here

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What is this fuse for, an amp without onboard fuses? Do you already have one right next to the battery under the hood? Can you give us pictures so that we can see what kind of a fuse holder you're dealing with here

the fuse is the power wire one. i didnt put it under the hood by the battery cause there was no safe place. ill get a pic tonight and post it on here.

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It "slipped" out when you used a vice??

YEAH! i was so mad. and i tightened it as hard as i could.

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yikes, you really need to put that next to the battery. That fuse is to protect the wire. If your wire shorts out somewhere between the battery and the backseat, what happens? Your car burns down. Having the fuse back there really doesn't do any good.

As for the terminal.......just crimp it better? I've never had a problem I guess. Try getting some ring terminals that have a split down the wire crimp end. When you crimp it, only half of the terminal crimps onto the wire at a time with that, so it's not so hard to apply more pressure and get it tight.

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I'm soldering all my ring terminals on, them babys aren't coming off !!! Just go to home depot, get a bernzomatic torch with the thin flame and some solder. I hold the cable with some vice grips (not too tight) and just fit the terminal on the wire. Hit the back of the ring with the torch and once it heats up good, just start feeding the solder into the wire until it fills up.

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well, i already split the wire all the way under the back seat, so what should i do? i really dont wanna go buy all new power wire. i did have the terminals with the split, so i guess ill just buy more. none of this has worked out how i wanted it to.

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The fuse is for under the hood.... It's to protect your ride.... Fuse should be as close to the battery as possible 8-18inches... (where ever a safe mounting location is)

The fuse under the seat won't help anything...unless you have rear batts... but then you still need one under the hood..

Use some solder or use visegrips to crimp that terminal on better..

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alright. can i just use a lot of electrical tape and the black pipe looking wire loom to get the 2 ends of the power wire back together where the fuse is now?

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no, please do not just use electrical tape to hold power wire together. Your best bet may be to solder it together and then heat shrink wrap it (perhaps multiple times to get the insulation thickness higher). Or you can use that break for a distribution block spot if you have other amps.

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and your sponsored by kicker? :wacko:

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