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run bl 15 at 960 rms?

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I am set on buying the bl 15 and my amp is a profile ap2000 but it is only 960 rms so would the bl still bump really hard and not distort? i don't think I'm gonna get any of the options because that would just add to the sub's rms which i don't need

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from what i find they make a lil more power then that...

the amp sub combo will be fine as long as you keep the amp from clipping...

also no one can really tell you how it will sound... as it depends on many many things... box, car or suv, music, installer...

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Thanks guys. what would make it so that the amp would be clipping, running it at its max? I have an suv and im gettign a custom ported box made by my friend. This amp can run pretty high for long periods of time and not even heat up so im not really concerned with that

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Turning the gain higher than it needs to be to equal the input voltage makes amps clip.

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assuming from your questions/responses, you'll get carried away with the vol/gain... SO, get the flatwind and cooling (hey its free), as it'll help thermally w/ the clipped signal.

not being an arse, or trying to say anything about you, but in most cases its whats going to happen.

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I usually keep the gain at less than 50 % and I don't go too crazy with the volume on my hu. That much gain hopefully won't hurt it

Edited by Richie25

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I usually keep the gain at less than 50 % and I don't go too crazy with the volume on my hu. That much gain hopefully won't hurt it

Learn how to set your gains properly. The most cost effective way is to buy a DMM and learn how to set them that way. (Various tutorials on the internet.) When I first started I had my gains at about half. Turns out, when I bought my DMM and did it I still could safely increase my gains about another 1/4.

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Digital Multi Meter, hardware and electronics stores.

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(duran beat me to it) - dmm is just one of those handheld voltage meters. (usually a yellow thing w/ a knob on the front for ohms/voltage etc) get a DIGITAL one though. walmart, local hardware store, checkers/schucks etc should all have em. comes in handy for a lot of things here and there. the options are up to you. might as well get cooling since its free though..and cooling includes the pole chamfer.

USUALLY once set, it should be good, but be aware of the speaker - as someone on here stated, your ears will tell you if you're reaching mechanical limits, and your nose will tell you if you're reaching thermal limits.

Edited by hiloracerboy84

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You shouldn't have to worry that much. You'll have to clip that amp pretty heavily to get up to the 1500 watt rating of the BL, and at that level it should be audibly distorting pretty badly. Plus back in the day I think Profile was overrated, although Bigjon says they're underrated now. I haven't kept up with them.

*but this isn't to say that setting it with a DMM isn't a good idea.

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Thanks, I might still do the DMM but the profile amp I have is a quality amp..I read that it lasted some guy through 7 systems..thats pretty good

and this will only be the second system it sees

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back in the day I think Profile was overrated, although Bigjon says they're underrated now. I haven't kept up with them.

*but this isn't to say that setting it with a DMM isn't a good idea.

indeed profile has allways made over rated amps... but like i said.. i looked for reviews and test results on this amp.. and every one was happy....

all test results state rated power produced...

and every one seemed to like this amp for a low budget banger.... shocked the shit out of me!

to the OP... in an SUV you should be able to easly tell if that sub is stressing... this sub is gonna sound great..

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did you alrweady buy the BL?

i ask only cause the Q may be better for you.. did you look around?

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I haven't bought it yet but ya ive looked around for awhile now...i really like aq and re but fi subs are definitely what I am looking for.

I debated over the Q or Bl and I know that the Q has better SQ and the Bl is a little louder so I figured I could get a louder sub for the same price I might as well do that

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i think the Q would be nice in an SUV..

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I guess since i'm not getting the full potential out of the bl with 960 rms then ur right about getting the Q because it still is 1000 rms but better sound quality

Thanks Jon.

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my q15 is louder than my exporer can handle

and boy can it dig down low.

and most importantly it sound so clean, i mean realy clean!!!!!

i've been thinking of trying a smaller q

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i didnt belive it till i heard it for muh self.. but its true.

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