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I need an advice

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I'm new here. I've been browsing tons of forums for an idea of what to do. I was laid off from my job about 3 month ago. I've been looking for a job since then, but did not even get a single interview. I worked as a web designer for a publishing company for the last 5 years. Looks like www.soundsolutionsaudio.com is an active forum with active members and may be someone has some experience working as a freelance web designer. May be "Newbie Sign IN" category is not the most appropriate for this question, but I want to try anyways to get some opinions before I go ahead with my life. I'm wondering if it is possible in the current economy to find work for a freelance web designer and make enough to pay for rent and groceries. I was able to find a small project on craigslist and I developed a website for a company. It was a small project and took me only a week to complete. I got paid $800 for 1 week of work which is not bad. Please people give me some ideas. I have 2 kids and my wife is out of work as well. Thank you in advance.

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Hummmm. spam?

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i wouldnt say spam, but probably not not the best forum to be asking for this kind of advise.

personally, id look for a job that will generally have lots of openings, and plenty of security, skilled labor from what i can tell is pretty secure, im actually planning on going into welding for a little while, then possibly electronic engineering or robotics to get into robotic welding, there will almost always be a need for welders, and most people quit within 5 years, so it seems like an easy in, and pretty secure to me

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