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187s box and power help

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Ok, I know IA has been busy so I havent been able to get in contact with them this week. So I was hoping you guys( IA owners) could help out. I am going to rebuild my enclosure this weekend for my two 187 15s. They are running off a AQ 1200d and im getting a comfortable 14.8v to the amp at about half volume. Sense I am running roughly 1200-1400rms I was thinking about making the box 4-5^3ft instead of the recommended 6.0(with only 600rms). and I was going to do anywhere from 60-80" of square port at 36hz so let me know what you think I should do,Thanks.

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That's twice the rated RMS of the subs anyways, so there isn't a lot that going with 4 instead of 6 cubes will do for you. I'd say just build the box to whatever size you want in order to get the sound you want and limit the power based on that. You'd have to do that with a 4 cube box anyway.

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i plan on watching how hard i push them as i want the subs to last. I listen to alot of songs like juice box, and blue berry yum yum so i want them to sound good

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I would not put two 15s in a ported box any less than 6 cubes. Especially with that semi-high tuning (for me), you're going to get quite a peak in response around 45 hz. If you build a larger box it will help smooth that hump out.

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are you restricted on airspace?

i tend to build boxes pretty large so.....

you can try it, 4.5 tuned in the very low 30's/.......justy because you have a lot of power it should be fairly smooth, but pretty inefficent.

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go with lethal injections with that kind of power, the 187 and lethal injection use pretty much the same space and tuning

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go with lethal injections with that kind of power, the 187 and lethal injection use pretty much the same space and tuning

I'd agree, the LI's would take that power better. Not saying that the 187's wouldn't take that power, but the LI's would be much more comfortable daily than the 187s.


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I'd say build it between 6-7 cubes NET, no less. You build it any smaller and those subs are probably gonna want more.

If they start to smell... check your clippin indicator, but i'm pretty sure u can go that high with ease with that power.

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Also for daily, i would tune around 32hz, if anything 34hz. And if you go smaller on the box, they will be able to take more power easily. Just be sure to take it easy on the gains. But yeah, your still going to be stupid loud lol.

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