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i have a 99 explorer 2 dr sport, right now i have a nightshade 18"D2 sub in 6^ft box after port sub displacement i have about 120" of port the box is tuned around 35hz. I have a SAZ3500D i am going to redo my system and talked with a buddy, he tells me ditch the 18 and get 4 15"D2 nightshades and 4 1500Ds, and take back seat out and build a big ass enclosure for the 4 15s. I dont have a problem doing that but i wanna make sure its what im looking for ,i want to be able to cruise around town and bump and let people hear me before they see me, and feel me when they see me. I told him i would rather do 4 18 nightshade and he said no you need 15s would move more cone area and sound a lot better, hes been doing this for 9 years iv been in and out for like 3 yrs. So what would you reccomend i am staying sundown and Ascendant audio only, let me get some input from the pros thanks.

Edited by magicman

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Well, an 18 has more cone area than a 15 so if you want more cone area 4-18">4-15" Not sure if that is what your question is.

Not to be a jerk, but, punctuation helps us understand what you mean.

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Just be prepared to have those that hear you, to come looking for whats inside your suv.

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Just be prepared to have those that hear you, to come looking for whats inside your suv.

Yeah, cops AND crooks. Gotta bump respectively sometimes.

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Well, an 18 has more cone area than a 15 so if you want more cone area 4-18">4-15" Not sure if that is what your question is.

Not to be a jerk, but, punctuation helps us understand what you mean.

i know what your saying bout cone area

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Just be prepared to have those that hear you, to come looking for whats inside your suv.

Yeah, cops AND crooks. Gotta bump respectively sometimes.

yep i have an autopage 727 alarm on it, and i plan on securing everything bolted down to the best that i can

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Well, an 18 has more cone area than a 15 so if you want more cone area 4-18">4-15" Not sure if that is what your question is.

Not to be a jerk, but, punctuation helps us understand what you mean.

i know what your saying bout cone area

So what exactly is your question? Are you trying to decide between 15s or 18s?

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Well, an 18 has more cone area than a 15 so if you want more cone area 4-18">4-15" Not sure if that is what your question is.

Not to be a jerk, but, punctuation helps us understand what you mean.

i know what your saying bout cone area

So what exactly is your question? Are you trying to decide between 15s or 18s?

yeah what would you reccomend, i want it loud i want people to not be able to sit in this ride when listning to music.i want to be at a stop light and people can actually feel vibrations from my ride. :)

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this is what i have in mind so far, either 4 18s, or 4 15s in a big ported box .4 subs facing up and a big slot port in the rear, where the hatch is at

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If you have enough space for the 18s to be in the right enclosure then do that. If you only have enough airspace for the 15s then go that route. If you choke down the 18s in too little air space the 15s in the correct airspace have the ability to sound better and louder. It depends on the install. More cone area has the potential to get louder in the right install.

Edited by hdrox88

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If you have enough space for the 18s to be in the right enclosure then do that. If you only have enough airspace for the 15s then go that route. If you choke down the 18s in too little air space the 15s in the correct airspace have the ability to sound better and louder. It depends on the install.

so what is the airspace for the 18s, and the airspace for the 15s, and i guess tomorrow i can measure what i can give up and go from there.

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If you have enough space for the 18s to be in the right enclosure then do that. If you only have enough airspace for the 15s then go that route. If you choke down the 18s in too little air space the 15s in the correct airspace have the ability to sound better and louder. It depends on the install.

so what is the airspace for the 18s, and the airspace for the 15s, and i guess tomorrow i can measure what i can give up and go from there.

I am not familiar with nightshades so someone else will have to help ya on that one.

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Well, an 18 has more cone area than a 15 so if you want more cone area 4-18">4-15" Not sure if that is what your question is.

Not to be a jerk, but, punctuation helps us understand what you mean.

I hate having to sort out the sentences to understand the post. It makes me want to hit the back button when I see that. Please dont do that.

If being heard and felt is more important than how it sounds to you then why not get a motorhome and gut that sucker? Get about 20-30 of those 21" Wardens and make it happen bro. You would slaughter everybody that tries to step to you. Make sure to sound proof the driver seat area like a studio.

You know Im playin but I really would love to see that. Is it even in the realm of possibility? I'll tell you what...if I hit the lotto tomorrow night...its all the way on!

Seriously though I dont think you can fit 4 18's in a 2 door exploder with the right size enclosure. Or maybe you can...if so your 1 passenger will probably jump out!

Edited by bigrank916

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i had 4 NS 15's in a bronco II with 2 SAZ-3000's and it was loud but i only did 15's to stay below the window line. if your not worried about that go with the 18's. the 15's need 3-4 ft^3 ea and the 18's need 4-5ft^3 ea and you would be loud with 1500 EA sub i actually have the 4 15's box still that should fin in your explorer its 12ft^3 ill sell you :) lol

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,i want to be able to cruise around town and bump and let people hear me before they see me, and feel me when they see me

Read the noob posting guidelines, that sort of question isn't allowed here. If you have to compensate please find some other way to do so.


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