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Can an amp be damaged from blowing a fuse?

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In testing for competition, MECA enforces fuse sizes for specific divisions in your class.

In testing, if you are trying to pull 2-3x the fuse rating of your inline fuses.. and they keep popping, can that damage the amp?

I haven't started yet but i was thinking the amps would be susceptible to low voltage conditions at high volume when the fuses pop and could eventually cause damage, maybe immediately. Is this true?

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more current the faster the fuse will pop. unless its gradually rises then it could have more a chace the fuse wont get as hot and pop as fast at the rated fuses amprage.

hard to tell if there is any damage done.

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That's not what i am inquiring.

When the fuse pops, the line is broken. When current is still being drawn, at some point, some split second time, the amp's input terminals will suffer from a very low voltage situation due to no power present.

Pretty much the same way as blasting the stereo then just turning the car off immediately.

Low voltage protection on amps doesn't necessarily mean that it can never get damaged from low voltage. I've never seen anyone talk about this and am curious.

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ok thanks

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Pretty much the same way as blasting the stereo then just turning the car off immediately.

Have you ever seen an amp get damaged from this normal use? Kinda just answered your own question.

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Low voltage is not the same as NO voltage. The damage caused by low voltage conditions is excessive current draw. With the open circuit from the blown fuse there is no current draw and damage is impossible.

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