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I was going based off of this article

as was I, thanks for finding that link!! not sure why but my reply got put above part of the quote, where the "?" is.

Lol, I noticed that. It threw me off for a second, because it was like you were talking about the link and then you were completely contradicting it. I thought you went weird for a second :)

nope, still sane lol

to OP: many people are gonig to tell you to get the 1500d because that's what they would want, and yes it is a more powerful amp, but my whole point is the SAE 1200d will still have plenty of power plus headroom for you, so I'm suggesting to you to save the money.

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You don't need 1500 watts for a 15Q. Even an saz 1000 can be enough for that sub.

Get the sae1200 if it is cheaper.

You don't seem to go for spl competitions!!!

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