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Dbl Bellys S10 Build.

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im gunna pm you i got some questions.

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i got my 125.2 hooked up this weekend. picture in a bit. im going to get some of these to put on them. anyone heard them before? i have and i liked them a lot but i just have never heard them on a amp before.

rockford 6.5

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Nice man!! Great setup you have there!! I love my 125.2, i have it on a 10" ICON and it rocks great!! Watch for putting to much power to the speakers though, dont wanna blow them!

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thanks man. i will. i cant wait to get them. my stock speakers sound terrible.

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Lol thanks man. I want another after I upgrade everything. My sub keeps making a noise like there is a bead inside it

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i got my roof deadened today. it was too dark for pictures :(. not like i get many posts on here anyways. i just hope everyone at least reads my updates.

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I read all updates, the build log and For Sale section are my first two viewing sections. :captain:

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i got my roof deadened today. it was too dark for pictures :(. not like i get many posts on here anyways. i just hope everyone at least reads my updates.

With over 5K of veiws your updates are being read. Good Luck!

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What did you use to deaden your roof? :P

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so my sub is rattling really bad and i have no idea what it could be. i checked all the wiring and i pulled the sub out my dmm still reads good and i flashed a flashlight in to see what the coils look like and they still look new. i pushed it in and no rubbing. im getting worried. i shut it off for now until i can find a solution

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check all the box the port and stuff could have come loose. did you free air it to see if it made the noise then?

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Have you checked the dustcap?

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Well guys. I'm logging off for about a year or so until I get my truck where I want it. Evetythings for sale so I can save for suspension bags and body work. Thanks everyone for helping me out. This place is like a second home. But its time to move on. Hopefully ill be back.

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Caintrain and i build me a new box for my 15. just under 3.5 cubes tuned to 32 hz with a kerfed port. i will have finished pictures tomorrow

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Looks great!

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