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d5100 and d3100 be enough for 2500 rms?

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hey im just wondering if these 2 batteries would be enough to feed my rockford bd 2000 and a alpine pdx 100.4 . i drive a 2006 monte carlo ss 5.3 v8 and i have no idea what my idle output is on my alternator. i found an irragi alternator for the car but i am scared of getting it because of the negative reviews i heard about them so i would like to try to stray away from buying a new alternator. thanks in advanced for the help

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lol, i use a single d3100 and d5100 with stock alt on 21,000w of AQ amps for comp and demoing.

So i'd say.... yea, lol.

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Honestly, a single D3100 should handle 2 of those amps but it all depends on how much reserve u need.

statistically speaking- the more reserve you need, the more ear plugs you will need :)

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3 posts up from yours you will find


yes but everyones situation im sure is a little different, also ive heard different things so i want to make sure is that a crime?

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Dude, that would be PLENTY of battery power as long as you have an adequate alternator to keep them charged.

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Dude, that would be PLENTY of battery power as long as you have an adequate alternator to keep them charged.

what would be adequate?? i have no idea what my output of my stock alt is. and i cant seem to find it on the internet either. im just going to call gm goodwrench and see what the specs are.

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There's no need to post the same topic in multiple forums, and I'm pretty sure its against forum rules also.

Adequate for those batteries would be over 200 amps I would think. Call Mechman or XS Power and ask, that would be your best bet.

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