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Couple of Questions.

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Hey all.Im looking to do some battery upgrading.I want to replace my stock battery upfront and replace the cheap walmart deep cycle in the back.Here is my main concern.I have a old 1977 Oldsmobile Delta 88 and sometimes its takes a bit of cranking to get it started.So,im worried about running the battery low by cranking my car to start and then it not starting because the battery is to weak.In the summer or warmer weather it starts just fine.Im mainly worried about in the winter time when it takes me awhile to get it started.I dont have alot of room upfront but i have alot of room in the back.So I guess what it boils down to is which battery should I get for upfront?I don't want to have a dead battery in the winter from trying to start my car.I was thinking of a XS D6500 for the back and a XS D925 for upfront.I have an AQ2200 for my amp.So do you guys think those batteies would work ok?

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for the front just get the biggest you can fit, for the back get the biggest you can afford. if the 2 battery's are ran together you should have plenty of juice to crank it over. I run kinetik battery's and i have 2 HC2000's. my tahoe's fuel pump went out a while back and i sear i cranked on that damn thing so many different times and turned on the system a few times without a start. over a period of a month!. never once worried my batts were gonna die. XS power is a good brand of battery and if anything will keep you powered its those. If i could afford XS i would have them also.

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You should have room to run at least a D3400 under the hood, and then what ever you want to in the back. You will not have a problem with these batteries starting your car. You will actually see it start up faster than what you have now. These batteries are able to provide a lot more power instantaneously than your current batteries and they will also recover quicker.

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