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pics from Kicker Bash 2011

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Just wanted to note that there were no SoloX woofs in the dumpster that we noticed. I reckon they rebuild the X series. We also noticed that every sub in that dumpster that still had a coil in it were toasted. There is nothing wrong with Kicker subs at all, they do make a quality product. Can you find something that will get louder and/or sound better for the same price or cheaper? Of course you can. Could you do worse than shop with a company that's been one of the best in the business for 30 years? Most definitely. There's a reason they sell more than 1,000,000 subs/year. Just so everyone knows, I've never owned a Kicker product and don't really plan on ever owning anything they make, not to say I wouldn't though either. (I don't want anyone thinking I'm some Kicker fanatic) I'm not sure where all this :bull: about them being some crappy company came from.

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Thnaks for sharing all the pics!! Lot of nice vehicles there, must have been a great time!

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Good job with the pics!

I love the green bobber in the first picture and pictured above. The black Trailblazer further down page 1 is badass!!!

I have owned L7's. Decent sounding with little output compared to other subs in that price range.

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No solo X's not a shock. Amps that is a shock. And motors for L7's.................would think they would keep them and re-sell them as refurbs.


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I thought the same thing, guess that's what I get for thinking. We only saw 2 amps in there, one 1500.1 and a 700.5. The 1500 looked like it got ran over on one end, it was crushed.

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