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Hzd Skizzy

Pre-amp Voltage/ Line Driver

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I was talking to guy at the local shop and he got me thinking about pre-amp voltage and line drivers. I have a Pioneer 3200DVD with 4v pre amp outputs. He told me that a line driver would boost that voltage and make a night and day difference to my system. If someone could tell me how they work, and what it would benefit to me if I got one. Head Unit is stated above and the amp is a saz-2500d. He exclaimed it was needed, I don't think it is. He may of been trying to make a sale.

Thanks in Advance!

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In a nut shell they are useless in 95% of installs.

here is what they do!

you supply them with a 12volt input signal you connect it closest to the h/u as possible to get the cleanest signal to your amp. it will take that 4v pre-out and make it a 4v, 5v, or 6v or watever you desire. a higher pre-out = lower gain setting on your amp.

Night and day difference... ya for 50$-100$ a whore can make night and day difference also! lol.

the place where these would be needed is, lets say you had to give a input signal to about 10 amps well that signal would get divided 10 times and every time it gets divided the voltage to the amp would be less and less as the amount of amps increase the signal strength would decrease. now if you had a line driver you could increase that signal to give a better/cleaner output

make sense?

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He told me that a line driver would ..... make a night and day difference to my system.

He lied to you, either intentionally or simply because he's misinformed.

He may of been trying to make a sale.

The most likely reason.

Read this thread, it explains everything:

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So i can clip my subs even faster?

I must have this, cuz i cant turn my gain up anymore

more DBeeeeez :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2:


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