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NS-1 and SAE-500D Prototype Pictures

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That 500D looks pretty small in size. What are the approximate dimensions?

SAE-500D prototype size not counting power terminals and RCA connectors is only 9.5" wide x 1 7/8" tall x 9" long -- this will vary a bit when we tool our actual case but will be quite similar.

You don't see strapping often in this class of amp :)

Hope this helps :)

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Count me in for a SAE-500D :drink40:

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That SAE-500D looks to be a perfect match for the new SD series subs that are coming......

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Some initial NS-1 testing in Brandon's truck -- we haven't gone in depth yet to see if we can squeeze more out of it; just a quick initial test before we head home today. Best clamp was 6090 watts @ 1.3 ohm actual @ 12.1 volts actual using my Extech True RMS power clamp meter about 6-8 seconds into the tone to avoid picking up initial spikes. I think we have more left in it - more testing to come as we get it dialed in a bit!

380976 - Single Phase/Three Phase 1000A AC Power Clamp Meter : This is the clamp I use here for product testing. You will find it reads much lower than using two normal clamp meters separately for voltage and current as this meter was made to measure power. So not directly comparable to any other testing but my own with the same clamp.

any info on if you would recommend this amp to be stable at 1/2 ohm?

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That's some bad amps/ can't wait to see them at show!

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