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100.4 blowing fuses

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Alright jst wondering if anyone else exprience this. I have a sundown 100.4 and as soon as you put a fuse in it, it'll blow as I was driving I heard a loud screech guessing that's when it went out. Internals looks clean, all in/out put was d/c and still having this issue ground was checked. Have a 1500d and that amp is fine. Its probably internal just curious if its rare thing.

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if it's internal, then it needs service.

Take multimeter and put 1 probe on power cable terminal and take other probe and touch it to ground.

When set to ohms, if it starts beeping or reading at or right around 0.. something is shorted out, not the amps fault...yet.

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You have a short somewhere, and just because the amp doesn't have any burnt parts doesn't mean there isn't a problem.

Make sure its not a problem with your wiring first. Then as suggested in this thread, contact the ones listed.

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One sure way to take out the amp is for a speaker wire to come loose and touch ground -- if that happens the amp will be damaged and if you replace the fuses they will blow.

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