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I have heard several people say that Class D amps are not good full range. I agree that a Mono sub amp is not made to work at over ~250 hz. However I have seen several high end companies making them for home theater. (And not as an entry level product) Crown now uses this in their XLS series pro audio amps, again a full range product. So I found a Class D car amp, and I'm interested if anyone has used it. The Incriminator Audio 6.4 4-channel amplifier, sold on this site! How does this compare to a class a/b amp? Are there trade offs for going to the type of amp? I'd think that the efficiency would make it much easier on your electrical system.

If anyone has used this, what did you think?



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Bad sounding class Ds are usually ones with output stages that are not filtered properly or have too low of a sampling rate, the Incriminator has neither of these problems...

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It isn't so tough these days to build a class D that plays full range.

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