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Progress On my Ported enclosure (pictures)

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You have a wee bit of seepage in the corner there.

Enclosure looks good.

Those handle's on that end table thingy look freaky. I skurrd

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Looking good so far, but if it were me I would double up that baffle and add some bracing otherwise you are going to have a flex-box of course depending on the drivers and power you throw at it.

Also, since the sides aren't perfectly flat I would sand them down before putting the top on. Having a 1/4" lip on one side will put tremendous extra stress on the top. I am sure you had planned on this but thought I would point it out.

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Not yet finished have to Sand down the wood still and put the top on..


tahnsk for the replys guys..

no not in my room i cant take pics outside cuz it makes it white idk i need a new camera bad so i take it inside and take pics the only thing i do inside is the Screwin i dont have a garage hhhaha

also sould i put something in the corners for more support? i have seen people do it with triangle lookin things so i was wantin to ask if i should if so how do i cut it?

Im Gettin 2 12 RE's :D instread of the 12w0s

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Not yet finished have to Sand down the wood still and put the top on..


tahnsk for the replys guys..

no not in my room i cant take pics outside cuz it makes it white idk i need a new camera bad so i take it inside and take pics the only thing i do inside is the Screwin i dont have a garage hhhaha

also sould i put something in the corners for more support? i have seen people do it with triangle lookin things so i was wantin to ask if i should if so how do i cut it?

Im Gettin 2 12 RE's :D instread of the 12w0s


personally i'll screw them wherever, i prefer to use electric tools, used to just use a screwdriver but my arm got tired real quick

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i would have stuck with the JL's..


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RE's are good competition for W1v2's... i think they can handle w0's :)

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i would have gone separate chambers

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you rebel

I fail to see the point of bracing if you're going ported. Assuming that the dimensions don't leave a huge space unbraced, the sides do quite a bit. I coudl stand on my box and feel no movement (the mdf one, not the current ply)

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Ever seen HT enclosures ?

They brace the crap outta them. Car audio enclosures run much more power and stronger woofers

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my ht is a 13" sony tv with some tiny speakers, i don't think they have bracing

i just don't understand why even a little flexing would matter, you might lose a little spl, but if you're not an spl person, why does it matter? Does the flexing increase resonance?

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looking good

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my ht is a 13" sony tv  with some tiny speakers,  i don't think they have bracing

i just don't understand why even a little flexing would matter, you might lose a little spl, but if you're not an spl person, why does it matter?  Does the flexing increase resonance?

Umm, flexing is resonating as they are one in the same. If you have a flex mode on your box of 60Hz you could have a (insert box dimension) speaker cone playing that note which could give you an extremely non-linear output. For extreme bracing (and pretty wicked sound) look at the internals of the B&W Nautilus, crazy how much she-i-o they stuff in there.

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