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Subs: Under rear seat Dodge Ram Build...

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Hey all!

Wondering if anyone has done a build with 2 10's under the rear seat of a Dodge Ram, its a 98....

- Goals: Daily driver, but love my lows! However, I dont mind compromise givin I dont have all that much airspace...

- Subs: Skar, DC or SSA Icon or Dcon... Money providing to do so...

- Music: I listen to it all, but mainly rap/underground with the low, lows!! lol.. ;p

Thanks in advance!

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if you dont mind comprising and you like your lows take out the back seat and go big with some 15s or 18s

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I wish I could! But, I have my son & hes still in a car seat... & with this, its gonna be kind of a budget build...

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It sounds like you might be limited to one of the prefabbed boxes and 2 10's sealed. You could go fiberglass like this guy and then maybe do some sort of riser on the seat for a little more airspace for maybe 12's. http://www.fiberglassforums.com/subwoofer-boxes/13988-dodge-ram-underseat-sub.html

I guess the thing would be to push as much power as you can do them. Where are you thinking about mounting the amp(s).

Is is a split rear seat? Perhaps you could remove half of it and then have you baby and your bass? I would imagine that an upholster could probably fix whatever fabric damage is done.

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What's your budget?

Are you willing to try your hand at fiberglassing an enclosure?

Another possible option is a center console enclosure. Just something to think about.

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Since he's small, his feet don't reach the floor or probably even below the seat.

Build an enclosure in front the rear seat that comes up flush with it. Subs down port side would well, and you can get tons of airspace.

And once he's old enough for it to be limiting his room, he can move on up to the front seat. :)

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Since he's small, his feet don't reach the floor or probably even below the seat.

Build an enclosure in front the rear seat that comes up flush with it. Subs down port side would well, and you can get tons of airspace.

And once he's old enough for it to be limiting his room, he can move on up to the front seat. :)

Another good option. :)

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