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Rubber Ninja

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so lets talk installs now. are you guys only referring to the box construction? if so, perhaps a link to the giant newbie thread on it or some guidlines/tips. thanks. you guys kick ass

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somewhat. the enclosure does indeed make or break ur subwoofer. but we are also referring to where/ how u mount ur mid/highs, how u x them over and how much/if u deaden the ride.

all that adds up to ur install.

speaking of just enclosures, there is a thread located in the, welp, denim rearranged things, lemme find the link.....

here's some good tips

and if nothing else, keep asking questions! there are plenty of us here who build and we'll be more then happy to help!

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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so lets talk installs now. are you guys only referring to the box construction? if so, perhaps a link to the giant newbie thread on it or some guidlines/tips. thanks. you guys kick ass

The start would be to tell us more like what equipment, what car, what locations, what your goals are, what music and so on...

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i have a Kenwood Excelon KDC-X589 Deck powering 4 Pioneer TS-A6881R 6X8 4-Way's. The deck only feekds 22 watts rms and 50 peak to those.

I also have a RF P5002 wired to Two 12" RF Punch1's at 4-ohms with 125 watts each sub.

the subs are in some prefab sealed box.

i drive a 97 limited explorer. the speakers are in the stock mounting positions and the subs are in the trunk area.

originally the car was rattling a lot. i took of the plastic cover on my trunk door to look around when i was thinking about sound deadening. i've left it off because buncha the buzz went away. but there still is a lot left.(i.e the trunk window door hatch)

im considering getting sound deadening? was looking into Second Skin. looks like a pretty damn nice product. would one layer on doors and trunk floor/trunk door kill most my rattles? when i turn it up and look around outside. i see my running boards rattling. but mainly it's the trunk door.

for upgrades i was thinking about amping the 4 speakers but i tossed out the idea cuz $$ for another amp and other peripherals to run two amps in the car. plus the pioneers aren't the best speakers, but they sound just great with the deck powering them.

my main investments for my car have been halted. i duno if i should put work into a ford =\. i was considering doing a mac intake and exhaust to try and get the mpg up but...being frugal me i just held back. i also considered getting a nice viper alarm with auto start, shock sensors, and the sort. maybe some tinting too.but yeah i just held back.

would matting be the best next option? i guess the car cabin isn't very efficient right now. if i built a nice box it would goto waste with all the gross buzzing and rattling ruining the listening experience.

i duno. im an indecisive son of a female dog. sigh

thanks for the advice/support

edit: rofl sorry admins for the swearing ^

Edited by Rubber Ninja

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If I were you and had limited funds I would in this order:

1) Deaden

2) Get an amp for my front speakers

3) Upgrade my front speakers

4) Build a new box for my sub

5) Get new subs

If I were a basshead and only listened to rap, number 4 might move to #1 but I am not so I couldn't answer that way.

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i agree with the deadening...definitely worth the money...and by the way...explorers/mountaineers get silly, stupid loud.

i think m5 nailed it, except if ur happy with the sound of the pioneers off the deck, after deadening, then i'd move to sub/box...

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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Silly stupid loud= REALLY LOUD

:stupid: :stupid: :stupid::bigok::bigok::bigok:


wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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They are the right shape for gettin' loud. Also tend to rattle. You get both.

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from rattles? or loud with a nice system?

anyone else from the bay area?

nice system, crappy system, almost doesn't seem to matter. like m5 stated above, the shape of an explorer/mountaineer lends itself to achieving unusally high spl scores, ala crx. hence, alot of top competitors have stopped using crxs and gone to the explorer/mountaineer for their spl vehicle.

does urs have a sunroof? those are a bit louder then those without..lol...

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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haha cool. yeah i got a moon roof dealie

so im thinkin about getting two layers of damplifier and maybe one of overkill in the trunk floor/door area. anyone can lend a hand with sound deadening?

suggestsions/comments welcome

thanks yall

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Deadening is just one of those things no one likes to do.

So we can suggest a crap ton of stuff but it will take you hours to do it all.

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yep...like eldo said. though personally, the only thing i don't like about deadening is ripping hte vehicle apart..lol...

personally, i like brown bread brand.

make sure u get a roller for it and do it where/when it's warmer. the deadner will go on easier that way. also, the edges will be sharp, it is backed by aluminum(most mat type anyway).

and have fun!!

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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