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PWK Designs

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Hey guys It's time for a new box and while I was looking around I came across PWK Designs. Has anyone dealt with this guy yet? Looking at his youtube videos and his official site it looks like he takes everything into account. If anyone has had a box designed by him let me know what you thought about his services and was it worth it?

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DC Creations is on here and they do an excellent job, along with Eclectic Enclosure Designs on CarAudio-forum.com.

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He made a design for my cousin's 1508 in his silverado. It was a console box and it turned out pretty badass. We just got the blueprints from him.

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RAM designs is also a good person to look at.

Are you looking for just a designer, or someone to build what you have designed?

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The only reason I ask for PWK Designs is because it seems as if he models everything and sees which design fits your wants best for your car or in my case my truck. I currently have a ported, but I know it could be better. I guess my question is would having him model everything to find the best design really be worth it? He seems as if he knows what he's doing and the only reason I came across him is because I wanted a 6th order bandpass, and RAM told me about this guy so i figured if RAM recommends him he can't be too bad. Right?

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PWK can be a hit or miss type of thing depending on your application, hit if your wanting SQ over spl and sometimes a miss on spl designs.

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PWK can be a hit or miss type of thing depending on your application, hit if your wanting SQ over spl and sometimes a miss on spl designs.

All I want is a flatter response from my sub, which is why I was going towards the 6th order bandpass.

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Meh, I say go with it, the dude is pretty fast on his e-mails and its a good price if your just getting the blueprints. He e-mails you a page with graphs and mapping out your responce.

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I've used PWK designs. They've worked out well. If you don't opt for the rush pack then it is a little slow to get your design. As for comparing his design versus some one elses I couldn't say. I will say this, you better know exactly what you want and why you want it. It's a give and take situation, you might want something and not realize that you end up giving up something else to get it, then you're left with a sour taste in your mouth. Good luck and keep us posted with what you go with. :)

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PWK can be a hit or miss type of thing depending on your application, hit if your wanting SQ over spl and sometimes a miss on spl designs.

All I want is a flatter response from my sub, which is why I was going towards the 6th order bandpass.

If all you're after is a flatter response I think a standard 4th order vented alignment or sealed alignment would be a better option. A 6th order BP enclosure will be very large and will play over a narrow bandwidth. It might not be necessary or practical for your stated application.

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I am actually using PWK right now. I have seen what he is capable of on the youtube, and people on his forum seem to really champion his product. I actually have yet to see a negative review of what he does, and knowing him, and how much he charges for these designs, I am sure he would redesign if needed. That being said there is a sticker shock to his design price. But as far as I know he is the only one that takes into account cabin modeling.

Timeliness is another concern. It took at least a week to get an initial response. I think this week is justifiable considering he has to look at the data presented and do a preliminary numbers check to make sure that what you want is even possible.

I guess what I would like to see is when a case file is opened, where you are at in line. It might be out there and I have overlooked it.

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Just don't go into this with one specific enclosure type in mind. Pete takes a lot of things into consideration when designing an enclosure. Vehicle, woofer/s, power, listening habits.. YOU may think a certain design is the way to go, but he may find that another is best..

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PWK is a decent guy and does consider a wide array of various things when designing enclosures. A good designer will take all things he considers into account with their designs. If they are not then they are not looking to get the best of out the application. However, even when taking everything into consideration there is always a margin of error. There is absolutely no way to model up every application out there, this is true for every designer/builder though.

Most designers do not take into account the acoustical properties of the vehicle itself as it is a very tedious and time consuming to do so.

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Just don't go into this with one specific enclosure type in mind. Pete takes a lot of things into consideration when designing an enclosure. Vehicle, woofer/s, power, listening habits.. YOU may think a certain design is the way to go, but he may find that another is best..

This is good advice for just about anyone who contacted a designer/builder. In many cases after some communications what you think is "the best for the sub" may not be the best for your application.

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