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As with being located in Australia it's not that easy to get a big alternator cause most of the auto sparkys are f*#%wits... I asked him would I be able to run a SK-1500.1 and a SK-85.4 of my car and he said "yeah mate.. You could run them off the stock batt" I face palmed it so I put it to you people.... My car came from factory with a 100 amp alternator and it has I think 2 awg wire to the batt... I've already put an xs power d3400 in

Would I be able to run these 2 amps how it is now and if not let me know what mods I need to do so I can have a piece of mind and not constantly worried ill be on low voltage

Cheers mate

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You need to do "the big 3", which consists of replacing the power and ground wires to and from your battery. There are many technical tips on this from many, many posts. Just use the search function. Good luck!

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I would grab a big battery in the back, do the big 3 for sure, and grab a voltage meter.

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I agree, big 3 in some big wires. If you don't know how to do the big 3 there are a bunch of videos on YouTube. And grab a stinger voltmeter from eBay for about $25. Best of luck to ya.

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Is the stock battery in the trunk or in the engine bay? Add a second battery in the back. Stock alternator should be find. Like the others said do the Big 3.

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Ohms Law!!!eek5wavey.gif

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And with the volt meter I have no where to put it as I would like to keep the interior as stock looking as possibly

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Place volt meter somewhere descrete, like in armrest or something. Do big three, and just monitor you voltage, or, if you don't want to install that, then just monitor with a DMM. If the voltage is somewhere you feel uncomfortable, then start adding things, such as an extra battery. But I would advise you to just see where your at now, before you have to spend money.

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Place volt meter somewhere descrete, like in armrest or something. Do big three, and just monitor you voltage, or, if you don't want to install that, then just monitor with a DMM. If the voltage is somewhere you feel uncomfortable, then start adding things, such as an extra battery. But I would advise you to just see where your at now, before you have to spend money.

Thanks mate that really helps

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Ok serinero lets say if I do the big 3 mount a volt meter in my glovebox have the xs power d3400 plus another 2 d680 battery..... Would the electrical system in my car handle the extra draw from the amps or would I best best to e mail an alternator company to see if they will make me one from my car?

I mean it can't be that hard I've basically got a 09 g8

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