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Correlation Between Vent Mach and SPL

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Iv been doing some research in advance of me competing next year. Although I will be doing a ton of testing on the termlab once I start building my setup, I wanted to get a starting point as it will obviously make things a bit easier. Basically my main question is going to be if anyone has actually tested the correlation between vent mach and spl readings. Iv been reading that best results come out of about a 0.05% vent mach in a build, but on the other hand you see high powered, high sd setups only using 8" aeroports that are putting up huge numbers. I may be over-thinking this, I'm just trying to grasp as many concepts as possible before I start testing so that I can make the best result possible with my build.

Thanks for the help in advance.

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It's hard to say there is a correlation because there are so many variables that go into it all. But to be clear you are asking about port velocity and not port noise, right? Like, asking if port noise effects your SPL?

Edited by Kangaroux

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Yes Im basically asking if there is a "optimal" port velocity in order to achieve maximum SPL. Obviously there are many many variables, but like I said, I just want a starting point, even if there is one. Not sure and this is why im asking.

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Vehicle acoustics play a much more important role in SPL than anything, once you master the space in your vehicle the sky is the limit.

If you wish to venture in the physics behind how ports work, read this:

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When doing just burping, make sure that trial and error tuning gets you the correct tuning. that's primary!

IF you can ensure that you can always achieve the best tuning, then use the largest port area you can.

I believe Gary Fletcher was using in excess of over 600sqin of port for just 2 18s in ~20cuft net on 2 sundown-1500s.

He achieved a 159.4db :)

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Im glad that I never fully understand something the first time I read it, so Iv got to read these over and over again biggrin.png.


Edited by MikeMartel

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If the behavior was linear and the same across all geometries and boundary conditions then of course monkies fly out of my ass.

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SPL is rarely taken to the point of figuring that stuff out.

Since there are so many variables.

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If the behavior was linear and the same across all geometries and boundary conditions then of course monkies fly out of my ass.

YES. lol.

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