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How to go about picking a fuse size?

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I've tried searching around the forums for this but its a bit hard due to the size of all the words associated.

So I plan on doing the BIG 3 in the next few days and I have my 0 Gauge wires, terminals,and fuse holder only thing left for me to do is get the fuse.

On 02 Laredos the stock alternator has an output of 136 Amps, On other forums people recommended a 300 AMP Fuse but wouldn't this render the fuse useless as being such a high overall amp compared to the alt it wouldn't do its job and blow?

But at the same time I'm questioning if I should even get a fuse as you can see in the picture below my battery and alternator are nearly touching.

In short, What size fuse if any should I use for the BIG3


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Fuses are put in place to protect the vehicle from fires caused by wire failure. The most common failure is due to the wire not large enough for its use. The second is when the wire is somehow cut or pinched causing it to ground to the vehicle.

So you first use the right size wire for the job

Then fuse for the rating of the wire

Most alternator wires are not fused due to the fact it is impossible for it to ground out to anything.

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Stock alt's usually are rated lower than their cold start counterpart. If you have a 136amp alternator and you decide you wanna instantly start pulling amperage with a large system at a cold start while driving then the amperage could pull potentially a little higher than 136amps sometimes. Most stock alternators have an inline fusible link so if you go over too far then you find yourself replacing the entire wire anyways, but I agree that a wire that short is almost impossible to ground out as your battery is damn near on top of your alt and would almost chance a straight run, but if I had to i'd fuse at 150-200amp.

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