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sound qubed, crachendo, ect. detailed specs?

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I am looking for specs on efficiency and THD for .5,1,2 ohm applications of the Q13500D.1, basscleff 5500, and sundown sa2 5000.  while these manufactures list there 4Ohm and even 2 ohm on some, none of them seem to have any detailed specs on 1ohm loads and as for sundown i cant seem to find ANY specs to speak of on their website so im some what leery there. 


does anyone know that the exact THD, signal to noise, and efficiency is at 1ohm loads for these amps?



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Efficiency will vary.. It's generally around ~70-75% for most quality Korean amps on a 1 ohm reactive load.


THD really isn't that useful to know - if your gains are set properly with an oscilloscope it will be approximately the same for all options. (explanation on why THD shouldn't be a deciding factor - https://www.dropbox.com/s/v1jmzfm2dpqjpe7/THD_.pdf )


And one question.. why are you worried about SNR on an amp that large?

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Most Korean and Chinese amp's THD power ratings are done at 1%.


Tenacious is right about typical efficiency ratings at 1ohm.


If you want high efficiency and low THD rated output, you need Full Bridge Rectification like Taramp's and not Half Bridge like what most products are on the market.



But. the REAL question is why are you limiting your search for products to such unrealistic values?

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