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Box Build for an SSA ZCON 18!

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I was approached a couple of weeks ago by a customer to build a box. He already had the design, only problem was school was getting busy for me, so i had to put him off a couple of weeks. I finally got some free time today to build it. The bedliner is drying as im typing this, and once its dry I'll be painting the port red (seems almost standard on SSA boxes...) and he'll be picking it up tomorrow, so I'll get a couple of pictures of it installed (and hopefully playing if its not raining).


6.8 cubes net

8.5" Octaport

32 hz

All this going in a Dodge Caliber.





Edited by Miles

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Nice cuts! Just put a box together today and it's no where near that good. Assume you had a table saw? Sweet enclosure!

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Yep. A $250 Craftsman table saw. :) does pretty good. Just wish the table was bigger on it. And thank you!

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Second coat of bedliner on. Will be painting the port in the morning.


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Superb as always.

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Box is done! Now just waiting for the customer to get here in a few hours so we can put it in his vehicle (and mayhe get to hear it!).


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Thats insane!! haha! My roommate has an caliber, and I know what kind of space limitations you're dealing with! My box for my evil could ONLY fit sideways, and with the rears seats folded down, haha! So let me ask you, where is he planning on putting amps and batts at?

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Thats insane!! haha! My roommate has an caliber, and I know what kind of space limitations you're dealing with! My box for my evil could ONLY fit sideways, and with the rears seats folded down, haha! So let me ask you, where is he planning on putting amps and batts at?

No idea. Haha. I'll find out when he gets here. Hopefully we can hook it up and get it playing before he leaves. Im excited to hear it!

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Box looks killer.

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Customer came by, and we put the sub in, put the box in the car, and wired it up. Setup sounds AMAZING running off a Sundown 3k. Sub could definitely take more power. We literally could not have fit a bigger box in this vehicle. Was a perfect fit. 


Here's a little video to show what this thing can do!



*Correction: The box is actually tuned to 34 hz. That's what I get for thinking about 2 boxes at once.









Edited by Miles

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Looks REALLY good installed.  Nice work.

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Thats insane!! haha! My roommate has an caliber, and I know what kind of space limitations you're dealing with! My box for my evil could ONLY fit sideways, and with the rears seats folded down, haha! So let me ask you, where is he planning on putting amps and batts at?

My batteries are in the spare tire well and my amps are on the back of the seats.

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Nice setup man!  Looks like it pounds...

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McGovney Designs FTMFW

                             SSA FTMFW

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Another nice looking enclosure, I knew you were up to something ramteid.

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Another nice looking enclosure, I knew you were up to something ramteid.

Haha yeah, my last enclosure too a dump on me(i screwed up on part of it while building), so i designed this up and had miles build it. It is a tad bit bigger and 34~35hz tuning instead of 36hz

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