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Dont you hate it.....

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when someone who thinks he knows a lot about car audio (and he doesnt) and has a lot of money braggs 24/7 about what he has?

this one guy in my area has MTX throughout his car. i think he has 2 12 8500 subs and a 1000 watt amp.

anyways, he always says MTX is the shiznit and that nothing even comes close. he also told me that MTX RULES the competition. i brought up RE and FI and he was like nope, MTX would KILL them all.


this has prob been posted before with different people, but imo, it all depends on the install, and more so, the persons taste in music and what he thinks sounds good. im not saying mtx sucks, but im sure it is not THE ABSOLUTE BEST. everyone has their own likes, and he likes MTX. a little too much i say lol.

that made my day :domoslay:

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happens a lot. just let it slide. let him roll in his ignorance and be happy with what you have and most important : try not to give a fudge on what those people say.

one more thing : rants belong in the off-topic section and i'm sure things like this have been discussed before.

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Used to bother me, now I just chuckle...

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I always laughed at people (in private) who had a system of X brand and thought it was the best. It can be good, but with every system I made/adjusted for myself, friends, or people who paid I never once used all of one brand when I had a choice. It always worked better to have different stuff that matched the car or the use, the install, etc. These were systems for music. I found lots of products that worked great in a particular use; some were dirt cheap some not. Once I was using pyramid subs like crazy they worked great IB, but they don't make that model anymore. I used tweeters from radioshack for a while and you could not tell the difference from fairly expensive ones if you used the same size cap as the pricey ones had. And amps, some worked better with IB subs, others with sealed subs, etc. I have used few new amps, but years back most of them worked a little differently and swapping them was a tuning aid also. And way back lots of them had DIN connectors so you could not just RCA any brand together, they had their own cable. I still have an Alpine amp with only a din no gain even, have a RCA patch cord on it and its in my car right now.

Some things are hard to dispute though; you take a custom sub maker who makes top shelf stuff and it is going to be hard to do better with a mass produced driver from a large corporation. Still there may be some use that the MTX does better in, maybe. Problem is you need to run all the stuff to find out.

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Tell him his SQ sucks when you hear his system.

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