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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/05/2010 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    let's look at all the uses a $20 item can do and see why people don't need them.. They can determine if you received the right speaker. They can determine if the coils are damaged. They can determine if a battery is discharged and needs charging. They can determine if your voltage regulator is working properly. They can determine if any power wire runs are shorted to ground by accident. They can determine if a fuse is good or not. They can help in tuning an amp to a certain extent. They can help measure output of an amp but requires more than just a DMM. They can help measure voltage drop issues. They can help find resistance issues with voltage drop from the front to the rear of the car so you can isolate where the problem is occurring. They can help measure voltage levels inside the house and frequency to determine if you have a faulty outlet or wiring in the house. So with these common problems... you are probably right.. you don't need one.
  2. 1 point
    Trying to get Facebook updated and make sure and follow us on Twitter for the latest info!! Incompatible Browser | Facebook http://twitter.com/4xspower Just posted some install pics on Facebook, so check them out. If you have some for us to add on there post them up!
  3. 1 point
    I don't know about the JL, but I had a 1000 watts Sundown amp and changed it for a Sundown 1500. The difference IS really audible. Same sub, same box, same car. It was loud with the saz 1000, but it's just louder now ! With the 1500 it's louder ealier !! Maybe it will not be the case for every car. I don't know. To the OP : get the Sundown only if you can sell the JL higher than the price of the Sundown !!! It's possible.
  4. 1 point
    Looking good man. Taking your time and thinking things out paid off in full. Good job.
  5. 1 point
    Believe me guys I am not trying to argue that any wire is better, as I haven't tryed very many. But I making sure that the OP understands amp load's SO help me out. YES I AM A MAST-DA-BATER.lol.
  6. 1 point
    Welcome. Lots of nice choices in the SSA store for subs. Look around.
  7. 1 point
    So, To Make A Long Story Short, Fuck RD.
  8. 1 point
    I would buy welding cable from www.weldingsupply.com
  9. 1 point
    Use 4ga to the 50.4. It's not worth your time to trim 0ga to fit, IMO.
  10. 1 point
    It will be fine. You can always put smaller wire into a bigger hole. You can also put larger wire into a smaller hole, just have to trim some wires or get an adapter.
  11. 1 point
    Not sure if you have emailed Nick about this yet, but I would advise you do so if you have not. Nick@incriminatoraudio.com Now, on to the problem......I would love for you to be sure the sub is in fact a D2 instead of a D4 before we have to go through the hassle of sending call tags, building new subs, etc, etc. It would be very easy for someone here to have marked the sticker wrong on the box. If it is wrong, we will fix the problem. Sorry for the trouble, and thanks!
  12. 1 point
    they cost a lot more and dont have the direct CS you will get with sundown
  13. 1 point
    Welcome to SSA youl be more than happy with the Dcons.
  14. 1 point
    how much do you want to spend in total. how big of a box can you fit. what kinda power do you have? answer those question then people will be able to help better.
  15. 1 point
    Go to Wal-mart buy the cheapest one or it really doesnt matter, use it and take it back if you really dont want to keep it. This may save you in shipping cost if it is the right sub after all, so the only thing you will be wasting is gas to Wal-mart at the end of the day.
  16. 1 point
    Note, I said " necessarily needed" meaning not that I wouldn't want one in the future. Its not really another item I feel the absolute need for at the time.
  17. 1 point
    I don't have the money to check for someone's mistake, I'm not responsible for that.Note, I'm not mad... I just want to get everything installed already. No need to get hostile because I don't want to buy a DMM,its not a item I necessarily need.
  18. 1 point
    Damn it makes me want to upgrade so bad, looking good Jacob. I like the extra work you do and show everything and how it makes the new different from the old instead of just saying it is a difference like most companies.
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point
    Fs is not a "recommended" frequency. It is the resonant frequency of the driver in free air. It is definitely OK to tune below this frequency. If you go too low, you can get dips in the frequency response, but 32-35 Hz for the BTL works great.
  21. 0 points
    I dont know about killer , its $40 off but it is better then nothing
  22. 0 points
    Thats not really true. The welding wire from welding supply is very flexible and has a high thread count. It's good stuff, all copper. If it wasnt I would not have used it. Copper is copper why pay more?
  23. -1 points
    The Q is a SQ sub, but it gets damn loud for a SQ sub. I think is the right application, then yeah it will still be louder then the Kicker comp. The lowend will definitely have more power then the comp and for my personal taste, the lowend always "feels" more powerful then the upper bass freqs. IMO Deep bass = more intimidating then upper bass, even if it doesn't meter quite as high.