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Attention SEAS fans

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trying to make a decision but wanted some input from the SEAS whores from here to help aid in it. to W18E-001 (E018) 7" magnesium cone woofer or W18EX-001 (E017) 7" magnesium cone woofer, this is the question. building a 3 way front stage and have narrowed it down to these 2. any input to the sound difference would be appreciated, these will be in a door pod and can be sealed off from the other drivers obviously. looking for clarity here as this is being designed as an LSQ system.

in advance all comments are appreciated guys and thanks

Edited by kandiman

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LMAO yeah i knew that already, trying to draw a few points of view, the more the merrier......

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I am definitely interested, as many people don't know the neon is being sold soon for a camaro, and I would love to use a SEAS midbass and ID compression horns for my front stage.

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i <3 my Seas, but they aren't the ones you're looking at

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being it looks like yer a metal head there acid, which model are you running?

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being it looks like yer a metal head there acid, which model are you running?

I'd guess the Excel W18NX...

Edited by Big E

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being it looks like yer a metal head there acid, which model are you running?

I'd guess the Excel W18NX...

yep, the Nextels

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What is the rest of your front stage going to consist of? The reason I ask is that I wouldn't really consider the W18E series woofers, but midranges. If you are only going to play them 300hz and below I would save some money and get something else as that isn't their particular strength. The other warning I will give you is that if you plan to listen to compressed music of any sort the Excels will drive you nuts as they will reproduce everything on that disc to a T and you will be very disappointed in your recordings. They are the least recording friendly driver I have ever heard, but of course on the flip side they are brutally accurate when you have a nice recording. Don't get me wrong I love mine. Also don't take my midrange comment as that they have no midbass they are very effective for a 2 way setup midbass wise but there are other drivers that can do better on the low end.

To get back on to helping you out. Are you limited to only a 7? What does it need to blend with? How much power do you have? What are you using for processing? What is the mounting location and type of car?

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Agreed. One of the LAST drivers I'd look at for running as a dedicated midbass. Stellar 2-way, yes, but 3-way, no.

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SEAS W12CY-001 4.5's and 27TFFNC/G tweets to go along with the 7's, as i stated in my other post on the processing questions i had, the 8's just aint gonna work. that is till i can get the power windows done up, got the old annoying window cranks to work around for a while till that happens.

processing is still something i am working on and they will all be ran off thier own dedicated channels on sundown 100.4's.

leaving the options open incase the processing side takes me a bit to figure out and i can atleast run the actives on the 100.4's for the time being.

and just like in my avatar, its going in a 99 kia Sephia.

sorry it took so long to reply, work was nuts today and i spent most of the night till 12:15 am getting the kia in running condition again. 17'000 mile salvage motor FTW

Edited by kandiman

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I wouldn't run a 3 way set active just off your amps, you pretty much need an H701 or P9 combo in my book. How about a used pair of Extremis or a pair of Peerless SLS 7's?

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I wouldn't run a 3 way set active just off your amps, you pretty much need an H701 or P9 combo in my book. How about a used pair of Extremis or a pair of Peerless SLS 7's?

as i said, temp deal possibly if i havent figured out the processing yet by the time i get to that stage of the game

you had mentioned b4 about using a headunit that had a crosover built into it and i havent had much luck finding any, know any model numbers off the top of your head ?

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Only the 9255 and Ural have 4 way capability, but when it comes to 3 way (2way+sub) there are more choices:

Alpine (anything with Bass Engine Pro) 9813, 9835 etc. Lots of others but I will misquote if I try to list them all. 9887 finally brings it back

Eclipse 8053, 8443, 8454, 8455, CD7000/1

Pioneer 880prs, 9800 -- usually they are denoted by Network mode

And of course there are the processors:

Alpine H701, Pioneer P9, DXC730, RF 360.2 (Alpine 650 soon)

I am not quite "right" this morning and definitely leaving some off, but there is a good start for you.

Personally to me the sweet spots would be the 880, 9255, and the H701.

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not to be a pain but how about some DVD models that will run the mentioned processor units

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They'll work, but often times it's a PITA to make any adjustments, and some won't let you do everything.

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Instead of trying to find a head unit or processor that'll do what you want, you could just spend more on amps and get the Zapco DC Reference series which will do all the processing for you. IMO they are the easiest amps to go full active with.

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not to be a pain but how about some DVD models that will run the mentioned processor units

Easy. The only solution for that is Alpine with the H701 combo.

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