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Any reviews on the CSS SD12?

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Just wondering if anyone had tried these yet? The specs seem to fit well into my plans, I've got about 450rms to play with at 4 ohms in a new project.

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CSS is considerably more popular in the home audio world; doesn't seem that many into car audio world use their products, which is a shame on their part. I personally have not used the SD12 but I have used some of the other CSS offerings and would never hesitate to recommend their products.

I think there are a couple of reviews on hometheaterforum and a couple others. Hopefully Kyle can point you in the right direction. You can also contact Bob Reimer (owner of CSS) via his website at www.creativesound.ca

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Just wondering if anyone had tried these yet? The specs seem to fit well into my plans, I've got about 450rms to play with at 4 ohms in a new project.

I've heard a lot of quick feedback like "great driver", "sounds great" but I dont think I've seen a detailed review written up for it yet. If it fits into your plans and you have 450 watts on tap then I think you'll be very pleased with this driver.

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hey kyle, might wanna try something new...since you sell hte RL-p at your store, you probably have some experience with it. how would you compare the SD12 with it? i have 500w on tap, and i think something that fits my power range more might perform better than the rl-p. also what are the box specs? can't seem to find them.

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hey kyle, might wanna try something new...since you sell hte RL-p at your store, you probably have some experience with it. how would you compare the SD12 with it? i have 500w on tap, and i think something that fits my power range more might perform better than the rl-p. also what are the box specs? can't seem to find them.

I've played with both but havent done any head to head testing and it was quite a while between times when I used them. Going from memory, the SD12 performed more like a sound quality driver. Its efficiency wasnt as good as the RLp and it couldnt get as loud but it did sound just a touch better in my opinion. Both are great drivers but they are both designed for different applications as well.

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I am looking at these for a SQ/LSQ setup in my car...

Whats the lows like on these puppies, and also would u go sealed or ported...and if ported what size and tunning? If sealed what size and any polyfill?

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