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Starting the enclosure today. Im going with a single up firing 8" port. 5cuft @ 32Hz for daily.

Time to go start cutting.

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just pulled 5 miles in under 36 minutes on the elliptical,

longest sustained high rate cardio since surgery in Jan 2004,

Jim, sorry about the van, but for some reason in on of your previous posts, I thought you said "gots to have the danish" instead of "in dash"

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a good danish sounds good to me

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Nothing wrong with a danish either...

especially if she's blonde and cooks well...


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jntar, you said to do upfiring for my mini right?

I hope so because that will lessen my headache.

Are you going for SQ, SQL, or SPL?

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Resized them...

For those of you who dont know what a Little red express truck is.




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Nothing wrong with a danish either...

especially if she's blonde and cooks well...


well played

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Hey Elias how hot do you cook your pizza's?


The conveyor ovens work differently than your average oven.

They blow hot air on the food pulling out all the moisture so they cook faster.

Thats why brick ovens are better but take longer

I have a brick/convection oven sort of. A pizza stone on my komodo grill and its very similar. Wondering on the temp because the bottom of my crust is beautiful but the top isn't browning. I think my stone may block too much of the direct heat that wraps around it. Last night I did them at 675 degrees though so maybe dropping it a notch will help.

Dont use the stone. My mom has one and they are just a pain.

Plus they take forever to clean.

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Dont use the stone. My mom has one and they are just a pain.

Plus they take forever to clean.

I don't plan on cleaning it, not supposed to anyway. It sits on the grill and turns it into a brick oven. The bottom of the crust is awesome, but I am having a hard time getting the top edges of the exposed crust to brown. Of course, I have forgotten to coat it in olive oil everytime so far too.

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jntar, you said to do upfiring for my mini right?

I hope so because that will lessen my headache.

Are you going for SQ, SQL, or SPL?

SPL, but it doesnt matter because I aleady made the cuts. Up firing ports worked well on my first enclosure with the 18, but all tof the bends cause a little noise/loss in SPL.

I freaking love having a table saw and since my dad wasnt home I used his GMC with the laser on it. I love that thing now. My cuts are straighter than evr because you make small sweeping corrections (small as in less than 1mm).

What would have took me an hour to cut, I cut in 30min with the table saw and that GMC laster saw.

Anyway, back to the enclosure.

Double baffle, double back, single top and bottom (they are only 12" wide as opposed to 20) and single on the sides (12x18.5). Saving to get a bunch of 1/2" all thread. Im going to start the negative port mold tomarrow so i should have a positive by next week.

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I also need to grab a gallon of resin and some sort of nuts to mount the driver.

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a gallon of Bondo would be nice too, Or I might just 45* the corners instead.

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Gonna have 4" of storeage under one side of the enclosure (for foldrs and school books) and the otherside will have my amps under the enclosure. I might put a CPU fan down there blowing on the just to keep the air circulating. I have a feeling 147dB wont be too hard.

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It's so hot, my typing is sucking agian.

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Dont use the stone. My mom has one and they are just a pain.

Plus they take forever to clean.

I don't plan on cleaning it, not supposed to anyway. It sits on the grill and turns it into a brick oven. The bottom of the crust is awesome, but I am having a hard time getting the top edges of the exposed crust to brown. Of course, I have forgotten to coat it in olive oil everytime so far too.

Are you making a deep dish style or a NY style ?

Ny use this=http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/images/B000063SKU/104-3904150-5110350?redirect=true

and no stone and see how it turns out.

Deep dish, cant help you, mine always come out soggy.

And dont load up the toppings, less is more

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lol, it really is. It's like 97 with 80% humidity right now...that is a heat index of over 100!

And i have practice in an hour!


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Dont use the stone. My mom has one and they are just a pain.

Plus they take forever to clean.

I don't plan on cleaning it, not supposed to anyway. It sits on the grill and turns it into a brick oven. The bottom of the crust is awesome, but I am having a hard time getting the top edges of the exposed crust to brown. Of course, I have forgotten to coat it in olive oil everytime so far too.

Are you making a deep dish style or a NY style ?

Ny use this=http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/images/B000063SKU/104-3904150-5110350?redirect=true

and no stone and see how it turns out.

Deep dish, cant help you, mine always come out soggy.

And dont load up the toppings, less is more

I've got one of those, will try. Was doing thin crusts.

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My Notes

That link is for M5 to analyze my precalculus notes. Everything we do in class is loaded to that site and translated into *.pdf format. :D

pretty nifty.

Going over everything that he said we will be learing...I already know most of it all :(.

Pre-Calc = Breeze for me probably.

lol @ that math stuff. we did that stuff in the first year of hs. the chit we did in the 11th grade was extreme. it will get worse in the 12th grade (last year in hs). one of my friends went to summer school in the us last year. kids over there were having trouble with math we studied in the 6th grade :rofl2:

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:( mom is still in coma. the doctor says the sitution is pretty severe. life has taken a turn for the worst.

+ my uncle died in the opposite part of the country. sheesh, life can hit you bad in the moments you aren't expecting.

i'm sure that whatever happens to mom, life is going to be really tough untill i will graduate from hs. i have a pretty difficult graduation exam (literature, grammar, english grammar, maths, computer science and sports) and i have to study all year for it.

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