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I'm out.

Time for a nice chit, clean my place up, shower and dinner.

Prolly some guitar Hero II to follow all that then bed.


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C is for Cookie,

and W is for Walk.....

Here is a picture of my buddies Chuck and Adam at the O's / Yankees moments after the Yankees pitcher (Scott Proctor) walked Ramon Hernandez with the bases loaded in the bottom of the 9th. Best game I have seen in a long time, not to mention the Yankee fans were a little more arrogant than normal, odd since they are behind the Sox just like we are.


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DAMN and yes NY taxes on tickets suck but aren';t anywhere NERE that bad.


Yea, if you get six points on your license it is an extra 300 dollars to dmv in New York, I would know... I got my sixth point by 4 days.... If I could have only gotten that adjournment I would have been down to two points before court....Grr. The other thing that sucks is the dmv surcharges on dmv fines, and the fact that if they say it is due on (just for example) january 13th and you pay on the 13th you are already late. And face more fines.

Good morning fella's.

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Virginia Introduces $3550 Speeding Ticket

Virginia legislator introduces new speeding ticket tax that boosts penalties beyond $3550, driving business to his traffic law firm.

Virginia motorists convicted of minor traffic violations will face a new, multi-year tax beginning July 1. Led by state Delegate David B. Albo (R-Springfield), lawmakers slipped a driver responsibility tax into a larger transportation funding bill signed by Governor Tim Kaine (D) in April. Albo, a senior partner in the Albo & Oblon, LLP traffic law firm, can expect to see a significant increase in business as motorists seek to protect their wallet from traffic tickets that come with assessments of up to $3000 in addition to an annual point tax that tops out at $700 a year for as long as the points remain.

"The purpose of the civil remedial fees imposed in this section is to generate revenue," the new law states. (Virginia Code 46.2-206.1)

Driving as little as 15 MPH over the limit on an interstate highway now brings six license demerit points, a fine of up to $2500, up to one year in jail, and a new mandatory $1050 tax. The law also imposes an additional annual fee of up to $100 if a prior conviction leaves the motorist with a balance of eight demerit points, plus $75 for each additional point (up to $700 a year). The conviction in this example remains on the record for five years.

Other six-point convictions include "failing to give a proper signal," "passing a school bus" or "driving with an obstructed view." The same $1050 assessment applies, but the conviction remains on the record for eleven years.

Although the amount of the tax can add up quickly, the law forbids judges from reducing or suspending it in any way. The tax applies only to Virginia residents, so that out-of-state motorists only need to pay the regular ticket amount. Michigan, New Jersey, New York and Texas also impose a somewhat more modest driver responsibility tax which they apply to out-of-state residents.


That is fucking ridiculous.

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Ryan is going to be pissed at me for that one. :)

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Call me crazy, but if you don't have time to ship something, you probably shouldn't sell it.

Just FYI.

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Call me crazy, but if you don't have time to ship something, you probably shouldn't sell it.

Just FYI.

Who what?

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I agree with the statement about time to ship something... Someone buy my amp, I will ship it today.

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For the shop it is hard, because some of the equipment is drop shipped and it could take 12 hours to get a hold of the company. Or I cannot process the order until I get home from work and it cannot be shipped out until the next day.

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What do you guys use to edit videos??? I am looking for something free, that is pretty basic, just enough to clip off the end/ beginning and add titles...

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Call me crazy, but if you don't have time to ship something, you probably shouldn't sell it.

Just FYI.

Who what?

Bought some headphones for my brother that took them a week to even get to USPS to ship.

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What do you guys use to edit videos??? I am looking for something free, that is pretty basic, just enough to clip off the end/ beginning and add titles...

XP user? Windows Movie Maker is your best option. I use that for quick/useless edits, and either Premiere Pro or Final Cut for larger scale productions.

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What do you guys use to edit videos??? I am looking for something free, that is pretty basic, just enough to clip off the end/ beginning and add titles...

XP user? Windows Movie Maker is your best option. I use that for quick/useless edits, and either Premiere Pro or Final Cut for larger scale productions.

The video's are in .mov so the windows movie maker won't touch them, I already tried...

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one of you brainiacs get into LB thread about resonant frequency and help me out, lol...

neil, this means you!

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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Rally Visor worked.

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Rally Visor worked.

who is this in regards to, me??? Idk what Rally Visor is.

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Lol, no, I put on my rally visor last night at the O's game and we beat the Yankees in the bottom of the 9th.

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Ryan is going to be pissed at me for that one. :)

I've been a fan since childhood, and will be til death. Ever since The Boss started spending all this damn money on "talent" and getting away from his farm and minor league system, I have not been to happy. It all started when they traded Wells for Clemens. I was so pissed at that trade, and it's been downhill ever since.

George needs to re-evaluate things and pull a Florida Marlins.

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Ryan is going to be pissed at me for that one. :)

I've been a fan since childhood, and will be til death. Ever since The Boss started spending all this damn money on "talent" and getting away from his farm and minor league system, I have not been to happy. It all started when they traded Wells for Clemens. I was so pissed at that trade, and it's been downhill ever since.

George needs to re-evaluate things and pull a Florida Marlins.

Win a series then sell everything off and put the team in the pooper for a few years?

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I can't believe I forgot what the rally visor was... durrr.

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something has to be wrong with me trying the whole eat when i first wake up thing, i managed to get 3 drinks of water down before i'm gagging and trying not to throw up.

ramen is coming up next, at least those should come up easily if they come up at all

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Do you eat anything before bed?

Try it... only protein & slow burning protein at that. Like 1/2 cup of cottage cheese, the lower fat content the better. I choose 1% because fat free is just too tasteless for me to handle. I love 1% though.

You stomach may be too empty... and no enjoying the wake up call.

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cottage cheese is out, i can't stomach the crap

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Casein Protein shake? More expensive since it is a supplement.

Basically you'd want something low in fat, no carbs & good amount of casein protein.

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I do usually eat before bed, that's part of my ritual i was actually going to cut out, but we shall see

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