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4 sa 8s on a t2500.1bd

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Think the subs would be able to handle that kinda power birth sheet is 3303rms at 1 ohm and thats what i would wire them to box would around .75 cubes per sub tuned to 36 htz maybe a lil lower looking to be louder than the btl 15

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not saying they wont.....i had mine hooked to a 600watt amp and somethin is wrong with my speaker now :(

Your settings or the way you controlled it is the problem, speakers are dumb and do what you tell them too.

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not saying they wont.....i had mine hooked to a 600watt amp and somethin is wrong with my speaker now :(

probably clipped it.

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yea something aint right, my 2 handle a 1500d at .5 ohm with out an issue.

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My four are taking a SAZ3000d at 1 ohm with good electrical.

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i ran one sa-12 on 1k for a daily no problem... wouldn't recommend for avg user but if you know what your doing then they will take it

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