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need some help please

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hey guys heres my situation..tight on space..i have no more then 3sq ft to commit to a box size..1000 watts to work with..and 80% of the time music will be rap..but i dont want it to sound boomy, sloppy...ive heard some subs where you cant even tell when one beat ends and another starts..its just sloppy..so for size i know i can do a 10'' maybe 12'' ..that would be pushing it though..ok so i know the Q series is there sq line and the bl is considered ""SQL""? i was reading a few threads and i noticed some people said the sq between the bl and q really is not that different..is this true? id like to do a 10'' ported bl but im not 100% sure how it will sound..ive seen tons of you tube vids but you cant tell anything by a vid..ive read the reviews on bl but no one ever says how it sounds only how hard and loud it hits..so do you guys think i should just port the q series instead or should i go with the bl and sq wont suffer to much? when i say sq i dont mean a all out sq car..i just mean how much if any will the sound quality of the music go down with the bl over the q?

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"SQL" is not a term, Sound Quality and SPL are two different things.

Generally, the Q will play lower than the BL, The Q can be sealed. The BL will be louder than the Q, but it is all install Dependant.

The Bl is the little brother of the BTL, I owned a 15" Bl and it got loud, low, and sounded great.

It sounds like you're more inclined towards the Bl, I would suggest this.

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Unless you're doing an all out SPL "Burp" style enclosure all the vendors subwoofers will be musical (All install dependant). Some designed for more sound quality like the Fi "Q".

If you can supply some max dimensions like max width, height and depth it will be easier to answer your questions and help with suggestions.

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what vehicle do you have?

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