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Is building a box "this" easy?

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2005 4Runner, looking at having 2 locations to set the box, one behind the passenger seat, one in the cargo area. I'll run 2 sets of speaker wires to facilitate. I'm 99% decided on a RLi8 or Orphan8 and here's what I've come up with.

The photos are of a Costco baby wipes box for visual reference 13.5x8.5x11.

If made of 3/4" MDF, I get an internal volume of 798^inches or .46^ft. If the RLi8 is .08displacement, that gives me a .38^ft box... right? I was always shit for math, but am I missing something? If aiming for .4^ft like everybody says you should for these particular drivers in a sealed encosure, I can just make it an inch longer or maybe just some polyfill?

Cut the MDF, glue together, route hole for driver, apply carpet, install binding posts? Still missing anything?



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I'd run the box location in the 2nd picture. Since your running sealed run sub facing backwards. God, the worst thing about Arkansas is no Costco. I love that place, all bulk items I like like egg whites and Salmon, and they cook pretty good pizza for the price :)

You basically got the box idea down, as for poly fill if you do decide to run it, don't worry about some mathematical fill formula, stick a decent bit in there and go by what your ears hear in terms of likes and dislikes.

Big deal, if it doesn't sound to your liking, just pull out the sub, re stuff the box and tweak from there

Edited by mr.sagat

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I'd put it in the rear.


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cargo area ...

I personally wouldn't put a box where the first pic is (between the seats) seems like it would be in the way.

just a suggestion.

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cargo area ...

I personally wouldn't put a box where the first pic is (between the seats) seems like it would be in the way.

just a suggestion.

Behind the passenger seat is where a 3month old sits... and her feet won't touch the box until she's about 5yrs, but I want the option of both locations in case I'm transporting adults or need the entire cargo area.

About the box... I've done woodworking before. Is some standard 3M yellow/white carpenters glue sufficient as long as it's clamped properly during drying? Do I need to screw or nail during the clamping? Do I need to prep/roughsand the edges of the MDF where I'm applying glue?

Some good 3M spray adhesive is good for the carpet?

Should I (using a jigsaw) cut the hole prior to assembly of the box or before?

Are the standard plastic terminal plates from parts express going to survive this sub, or should I use binding posts drilled through the box like these:


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You don't have to prep the mdf, just make sure it's clean.

That 3m stuff will work fine, there is a heavy duty version of that I use.

If you got the ability, clamping it works well. I don't have access to clamps, so I use a 18 gauge nail gun with wood glue and that works perfect for me. The key is giving the glue time t fully cure.

Of course use some silicone on the inside to make sure everything is sealed.

I make sub holes after box assembly, but there are two downfalls to that.

1. It makes the box, a mdf dust heaven

2. If you mess up on the sub cut, you're screwed.

If you cut out for the sub before assembly, you don't have to worry about either of those.

Running just the 8, you'll be fine with regular cheap terminals..

Edited by mr.sagat

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Awesome, thanks for taking the time to spell that out. I was pretty sure I had a good handle on things, but I'd like this little guy to last a long time, and the details are important when you're talking about a product to stand up to time... and I think I've got the details.

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Sorry to hijack !

how do you call these terminals, in the pic you showed us ?

I may need some soon, and I would like to order them.

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Instead of cutting a hole in the sub and having that plate with the 2 terminals on it, you would drill a hole into the mdf board, put these through the hole. The larger side screws down to hold the wire in place, and the other side has a ring terminal connection between the 2 nuts if I am correct.

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Sorry to hijack !

how do you call these terminals, in the pic you showed us ?

I may need some soon, and I would like to order them.

Binding Posts!

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