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Deciding on new subs.

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alright guys so iv decided i wont be getting a zcon because i just wont have the electrical for it. what i have is 1200 watts that my eletrical can handle at ease. Im going to sell my bl to fund my next build. Im thinking of instead of getting just 1 sub id like to get 2 12" subs that do around 1200 watts conbined so around 600 each. im trying to get the loudest i can off of 1200 watts pretty much. I was thinking of either 2 ssd, 2 sa12 or 2 w7 but would take alot of saving up lol. I absolutly loved how my 1 12w7 sounded the real deep rich lows with rumble. I see the icon doesnt come in a 12" but id consider it if it did since there about 600 watts each. Or if you guys have any other suggestions for 2 12" subs around 600 watts each that will get pretty loud but still have that great sound to them feel free to add to it and give your opinion. Thanks SSA :)

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There's no good reason why you couldn't go ahead and get a ZCON and run it on 1200 watts. There's no such thing as underpowering, nor will too little power ever cause any problems. You could easily go ahead and get the ZCON and deal with upgrading the electrical for a bigger amp later, which is financially always the easiest way to acquire equipment, in steps.

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Thats an option i didnt really consider, but would the zcon really get louder then 2 12" subs on same power? The zcon is pretty expensive and i can see why but i can get 2 of the others for that price, if i did get the zcon it would be a 15, and i wouldt be getting a bigger amp i have a aq2200 that would be wired to 2 ohms for 1200 watts and if i ever did want to put full power to it id have to recone it and do a 1ohm load

Edited by bakedboy08

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It's hard to say if 2 12's will get louder. I honestly don't see a ZCON getting much louder than a BL on the same power. That would depend on efficiency more than anything. I think the XCON could potentially sound closer to your W7 being that it is more of a sound quality sub with the ability to get loud rather than the ZCON which is a SPL sub that can sound good. If that makes sense

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yea thats why im leaning more towards 2 12" subs. My last 3 setups have been 1 sub setups and everytime i got a new one i thought this is going to be it im finally going to have a pretty loud setup thats still sounds good but i think to get to the level where i am satisfied im going to hae to do 2 12". so being that i have 1200 watts to power 2 12 subs so my question was what would be the best bet for me that has simular sound to the w7, i really dont wanna spend the money for the w7's so was kind of looking for an alternative, would love to get 2 12" q's but the power handling doesnt suit my 1200 watts so i was thinking 2 12" ssd but they arnt in production and if they were do you think 2 would get louder then my 1 bl? All options are welcome. Thanks guys

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From what I've heard the SA-12's can sound pretty good. That might not be a bad choice. Like I said before in theory the 2 12's are louder, but the difference might not even be audible if anything at all. If the BL isn't loud enough the only thing that would be a significant improvement in output would require more power. So is it the sound of the W7's you want or more output? What sort of box was that JL in and what was powering it

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I'd go with a Xcon over Zcon for 1200watts.

Unless you have a plan on doubling the power one day.

I haven't heard a w7 in depth, but I'm sure you can find similar or better sounding for less money.

Honestly for 2 12s and 1200watts, Icon's should really be considered.

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its pretty much both, I loved the tone of the w7, it was just so solid and smooth but with real deep low beats, i had 1 w7 on a jl500/1. if i had the funds id just get 2 of them but i dont wanna spend money on something so overpriced again so im trying to find the closest sound sub with about same power output but this time i want to do 2 instead of one. Just trying to get a little louder with sound in the same ballpark, i know people have compared the q to the w7 but they are 1000 watts each

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I'd go with a Xcon over Zcon for 1200watts.

Unless you have a plan on doubling the power one day.

I haven't heard a w7 in depth, but I'm sure you can find similar or better sounding for less money.

Honestly for 2 12s and 1200watts, Icon's should really be considered.

I was checking out the icon subs but i saw that they only have the 10" up right now for some reason. Do the icons get pretty loud for what they are? you think it would be a pretty big step up from my 1 12" bl?

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Icons are great subs. They are out of stock currently so you'd have to wait on them. It's also been mentioned in this thread that you cant really underpower a sub so if you wanted Q's you could. Icons are 1000W too btw. Like I said the SA-12 might be a nice choice or a single 15 XCON

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ok so these sa12's, do they hit lows really good? hows the sound on them, and you think 2 of them would get decently louder then my 1 12" bl? Sorry for all the questions its just when you can hear a sub you want to buy its kinda hard to find out what it is unless you ask questions and im trying finally get a setup to be proud of and stop jumping around spending money haha, car audio gets expensive!! :D

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Does anybody know when the ssd will be back up on the shelf? would the sa12 be anywhere near close to the ssd line Fi has? iv heard great things about the ssd as well how it gets super low and sound awsome but do they have decent output

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ok so these sa12's, do they hit lows really good? hows the sound on them, and you think 2 of them would get decently louder then my 1 12" bl? Sorry for all the questions its just when you can hear a sub you want to buy its kinda hard to find out what it is unless you ask questions and im trying finally get a setup to be proud of and stop jumping around spending money haha, car audio gets expensive!! :D

There was a thread here awhile back where a guy was asking if he should get another w7 or switch to a different sub and the SA-12 was recommended. You may want to look into that. But if you have the room for a box for 2 ported 12's why not just port a single 15? Everyone who has an XCON seems to love it and if your concerned about lows from what I've heard the XCON is the way to go. Just search around there's tons of happy owners

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The Icon is offered in 10/12/15, but it will be a little bit longer before it is ready to start shipping again.

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You cant go wrong with a xcon :drink40:

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yes i know i cant go wrong with any of these subwoofer companys on ssa or else they wouldnt be here haha, im just looking for the best option for me and what would sound best and get the loudest in my opinion, So im leaning more towards the Fi ssd, just would like to know how far along they are with production. Any updates?

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Have you given something from IA a thought?

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No i havnt really included it just because id like to stick to my playing grounds and if im going to give my money up for some more subs id rather it go to either FI SSA or Sundown because those are companys i feel my money would be going to a good source. Havnt heard too much about IA. My next subs will most likely be the new SSD 12" but would like to know some specs if anyone wants to let the cat out fo the bag haha :)

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IA is right there with those companies.

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IA is right there with those companies.

Almost went with IA but really wanted a subwoofer that could handle great power in a sealed application with possibilities of porting it....

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im pretty sure i finally figured out what was wrong with my bl and aq2200, i went to a stereo shop to have my amp wires installed and when i got out i noticed they had turned my bass boost all the way up the gain was all the way up the subsonic filter wasnt even on and the lpf was at like 120hz or so, so i fixed everything and it hardly had any bass at all, this reason was because i had just found out today that they had my input slave to on instead of to output master, these guys are fuckin idiots and it seems like they were trying to blow my subwoofer. now that i have it to the right settings it actually sounds really decent, going to listen to it more today and figure out if i just want to keep this or if i want more. All i know is i will never go to a stereo shop again period!

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sounds really decent??? should sound amazing after fixing all that wrong shit they did... keep us posted

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haha yea i only got to hear it for a few minutes after i fixed that crap they did, i called them up today and told them they will never get my business again and how can they run a shop and not no anymore then a baby would about setting gains lol. So pretty much today i got a new bl and gonna see how it does in my civic, will post again when i come to a conclusion, Thanks SSA and everyone for showing me the right way to setup gains cuz if i never knew for myself i woulda left it how they had it and woulda had a blown sub within months.....or weeks!!

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That's why you never trust others who you don't know anything about, to install anything.

Best thing to do is learn to do everything yourself.

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I haven't heard a w7 in depth, but I'm sure you can find similar or better sounding for less money.


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