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magnet weight

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A lot, the sub is beefy. Curious to why you want to know though?

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I was just wondering, I see alot of magnet weight stats on subs. I know it plays a part in its excursion.

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I know it plays a part in its excursion.


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I was just wondering, I see alot of magnet weight stats on subs.

For marketing, nothing more.

I know it plays a part in its excursion.

It plays absolutely no role in excursion.

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I was just wondering, I see alot of magnet weight stats on subs.

For marketing, nothing more.

I know it plays a part in its excursion.

It plays absolutely no role in excursion.

ok thanks, denim for bein an ass about it too.

what? I was trying to figure out what you were talking about :huh2:

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sorry if i took it the wrong way, but it seemed like you were calling me an idiot or something with that smilie. I was just curious as to the magnets role in a subwoofers abilities.

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its the I dunno smilie, as in I dunno what you are saying or getting at


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I'll stick with beefy. It is one sweet sub!

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Her is something funny... Its the old sub that I am replacing with the rl-p...I went from a total piece of crap to one of the best!!! i am also looking at some focal components to keep up with the subwoofer. I currently have some of bostons worst coaxials, and they werent cuttin it with the old sub!!


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Enjoy and :stfu:


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Look at BL if you want to know how strong a motor is weight doesn't really matter look at neo motor's such as the aura 1808 or mrt version looks pretty wimpy but they are a dam stout motor or shocker neo's etc. Or you could get a graph of the gauss field that would also help out. Also I'm fairly sure the slugs are duoble stacked 7.75 by either .75 or 1.00 don't know exact but thats pretty much what it looks like from the pics

try this link http://tcsounds.com/TC9_15_2570.htm

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BL, from a consumer standpoint, is pretty meaningless.

As long as it has enough BL for the subwoofer's design, that's all that matters. And I would hope that any subwoofer that made it to market had enough thought put into it's design that we can assume the BL is adequate for the design.

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true but when looking a woofers strength and how it will react in lets say a ported enclosure bl would be of intrest if you are after SPL such as 4hp and RE MT which both have bl in the 40's you are right though that for the most part you would need to know how they measured and what the results were etc and that for the most part its kinda of a misnomer

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the magnetic flux is really what you need to look at. sure you can have 500 ounce motor magnets out of ferrite (Eclipse titanium pro), but you can then use neodymium's (sp?) and have tiny magnets with 6 times the flux. We use the neo's on the very expensive PA 18" subwoofers. We are going to start using it sooner on the consumer stuff, but it is more expensive. The next generation JL audio W7 will use neo, but no one is supposed to know that. I'm guessing in a few years, most all of [our] higher end consumer stuff will be using neo. The only trick with neo is you need a larger steel bottom and top plate to control the flux so the motor ends up being still pretty heavy, but the actual magnets are much smaller.

Edited by 7

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BL, from a consumer standpoint, is pretty meaningless.

As long as it has enough BL for the subwoofer's design, that's all that matters.

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so you guys are making that bad ass neo 18 that Stephen was talking about a few years back sweet :)

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the magnetic flux is really what you need to look at. sure you can have 500 ounce motor magnets out of ferrite (Eclipse titanium pro), but you can then use neodymium's (sp?) and have  tiny magnets with 6 times the flux. We use the neo's on the very expensive PA 18" subwoofers. We are going to start using it sooner on the consumer stuff, but it is more expensive. The next generation JL audio W7 will use neo, but no one is supposed to know that. I'm guessing in a few years, most all of [our] higher end consumer stuff will be using neo. The only trick with neo is you need a larger steel bottom and top plate to control the flux so the motor ends up being still pretty heavy, but the actual magnets are much smaller.


Neo stills ends up being quite a bit lighter does it not? What is the weight difference on the L.A. Storm subs?

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the la storm subs weigh quite a bit different..if i remember today, i'll weigh a couple left at the shop...one neo, one ferrite....tehy each of the different cones too...adn they are for sale, cheap...lol..

i'm curious as to the w7....going neo on an already very expensive sub? wow....going to have to remortgage the house to buy one.

when are the rl-s's going neo? or can they with the LMT? and what effect would that have on their performance?

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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maybe soundsplinter needs to make a new midlevel neo mag'd sub ;)

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the graph explains really nice and makes sense...

how does the jl compare to the rl-i or the rl-p ?

so, whem choosing a sub, it would be best to have these graphs available ?

from what i've seen on the internet, only tc sounds provides these graphs.

Edited by Adrian_D

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BL, from a consumer standpoint, is pretty meaningless.

As long as it has enough BL for the subwoofer's design, that's all that matters.

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