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everyone post ur slamology pics and vids here!!!

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its the maroon astro but its getting buried as of tomorrow! Mike singer got a really good video of it and is doing some editing of it and will post it soon.......Steve micks response to the van was worth the whole weekend to me..... WOW was all he had to say!

haha steve micks van is sickkk lol. sounds AMAZING on "in for the kill" :) i want to see the vid. of your van! haha

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i must say, i thought slamology was going to be... BIGGER. like the car audio part. dont get me wrong, it was kick ass and a lot of cars were there. but i always pictured like 3-400 cars doing work lol.

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My son and I had a good time. I was hoping to hear dave's van but never got to.

All the IAK guys were super cool.

I have a handful of pics and vids to share. Pics weren't that great since I left my cam in the wrong program mode tho.

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i must say, i thought slamology was going to be... BIGGER. like the car audio part. dont get me wrong, it was kick ass and a lot of cars were there. but i always pictured like 3-400 cars doing work lol.

300-400...lol, I wish. That's like world finals in the 90's kinda showings. It looks like the comp scene is growing though, at least I hope so anyways.

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it was overly abnoxious..

His entire midshighs sounded as if they were being channeled through a megaphone.

Then when the bass came on, it was no where near loud enough to keep up with the megaphone front stage.

And with the cone area that's in there, that's no excuse.

You want it done right, do it yourself. IF you don't know how to do it and refuse to learn or do not have time, take it to one of us who will actually educate those on what they should do rather than just take your money and experiment with loads of equipment firing in every direction possible.

Same as SBN. Was obnoxious all day every day out in the parking lot, no not the show parking lot, but the one across the street for where people coming to see SBN parked. Absolutely don't need those videos of that truck spammed up here on this site.

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Thing is, I was like anyone else....I had never seen the truck, wanted to check it out. The main problem I had wasn't whether or not he charged for demos, hey more power to him if people actually were willing to pay, I don't know why anyone would....the main problem was everyone wanted to demo there, that's the fun of going to shows like that, but with that thing blaring all day, you either had to park way away from it or squeeze one in when he wasn't playing. You obviously couldn't draw attention away from that thing when he was playing it. Like I said, if he would have just shut the outside horns off underneath it would have been fine...Ohio Generator even moved their booth on the first day because they couldn't even talk to people at the show interested in their products...it just became ridiculous.

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Thing is, I was like anyone else....I had never seen the truck, wanted to check it out. The main problem I had wasn't whether or not he charged for demos, hey more power to him if people actually were willing to pay, I don't know why anyone would....the main problem was everyone wanted to demo there, that's the fun of going to shows like that, but with that thing blaring all day, you either had to park way away from it or squeeze one in when he wasn't playing. You obviously couldn't draw attention away from that thing when he was playing it. Like I said, if he would have just shut the outside horns off underneath it would have been fine...Ohio Generator even moved their booth on the first day because they couldn't even talk to people at the show interested in their products...it just became ridiculous.

i seen them packing there shit up and moving lol. i now know why

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Yep, we were talking to them at the time, and Tom from Ohio Generator got pissed and went over and talked to them, and finally decided to move.

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It would have been rather easy for someone to hop under his truck and easily disconnect them.adhd.gif

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:) I've done some disconnecting at a slamology event before...

I know how easy it is, hehe.

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Yeah it was a pretty great show, best I've seen since the 90's honestly...hope it's a good sign the industry is growing again!

Hey, this is Dale from Mansfield,OH originally. Do you remember the Crankenstein shop on 4th St in Ontario?? Or did you actually work there?? I used to hang out there, and help Kenny and the guys out. I had an 84 cutlass we put 4 15's in it with US Amps ect .... I was in the 1st sound off they ever did there....won my class easy... Then i built that long bed S-10 low rider with the Cali walk through and hydrualics. We painted the rear glass with the Crankenstein logo... That thing would flex the sides of the truck out....lol....

Edited by gotgixers

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And that van looks about like Kenny's Geo Metro we put 8 15" Crankensteins in with 4800wrms US Amps.....

Do you remeber that one Mick????

Edited by gotgixers

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Sorry, haven't been on here in awhile...I remember the shop, went there a couple times. Funny part is, the Bronco II in my avatar is my old truck that had 12 Dr. Crankenstein 15" in it, 1995 USAC Pro 251-500 Legal SPL World Record Holder....the shop I worked at carried them.

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