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OK...picture time. :takepix:

First, we have the leftovers from the TSX show...


Chad's bright yellow banana.


Aiiiieee! The camera will steal my souuuuul! Note Rachel's look that says, "Tom is such an idiot..." :D


Dave's wiring when we pulled out the Revo. Friends don't let friends use butt connectors. Dave = teh fired.


Where's the positive lead for the outboard processor? Oh yeah, it's held together with electrical tape and dreams. Also visible is the Sundown Audio monoblock :)

OK...Field Day 2006 stuff. The weather absolutely sucked, but at least we had cigars and beer, the cause was not all lost.


The VHF antenna array, three elements on six meters with the top antenna for 2 meters. VHF propagation actually was pretty good.


The Unified Command bus at night...this was about five minutes before the onboard generator blew a fuse and wouldn't start back up again for the rest of the night. Missed the AC :(


For the past couple years, the local electric co-op has been kind enough to let us use a bucket truck over the weekend, as a mobile 40+ foot antenna support. Comes in real handy, though in an actual emergency we'd have to make do without it :D


Some of the antennas. The scale is a little misleading - the mast on the left is 66 feet tall, it's a quarter-wave vertical for 80 meters. The smaller one is for the 10 meter band.

Alright...new pics of the preamp.




Toobz! And what's this, a remote? Werd. Now I wonder if a universal remote will work with this...hehe.


The power supply is a seperate unit, so it doesn't take up space internally. Connects to the main chassis with a locking DIN plug.





Two preamp outputs, so one goes to the monoblocks, the other goes to the low-level inputs on the Adire Rava instead of the high level inputs I had been using before.

That's it...run along now...

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Paris Hilton, "That's Hot!"

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Now that's a remote even my woman can understand: Two buttons! Looks sweet, jealous my non-existent listening room is.

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Which Rava (original/series II, color, upgraded, etc...) do you have???


Mine's an original vlack with the upgraded DPL12 driver.

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nice pix

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Elias - EH isn't too bad, they have a tendency to be microphonic but we'll see. I probably wouldn't have bought those given the choice. But those Mullards are British made NOS's, primo tubes :)

Oldschool - I think I have the original, plain old Shiva version...light oak finish. The Shiva had the standard foam gasket around the front, while the DPL looked a little more "finished", right? I know the baskets were different, but I haven't pulled out the driver to check.


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Very nice Jim :)

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love the black and white shots

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Yes, he is in FL with his GF and he took the trip up


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