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is this normal for a Q

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i have 2 10" Q's sealed, when i installed them i set the amp, after a few days i noticed they could take more (with out hearing a pop sound) so i adjusted the amp higher, i have done this twice now........

just want to make sure this is normal.

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yeah your subs are just breaking in....they will be able to take more and more power until they are fully broken in.

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Don't adjust the gains on the amp without using a DMM to avoid clipping...

Just because the sub doesn't make a popping or any mechanical noise doesn't mean your not giving it a clipped signal...

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DMM doesn't tell you if your clipping a signal or not. I really wish the people on the forums would have NEVER told/mentioned about how to set a gain with a DMM or that you "HAVE" to set your gains with a DMM...the only time you need to set them with a DMM is when you are gain matching multiple amps on one single sub, or one single load.

All it measures is AC voltage, now doing the weird funky equation coming up with you should use "35 volts" has quite a few flaws..

That 35 volts may have the amp wide the hell open bass boost cranked and everything else to get it, by that time its a 100% clipped, dirty, square wave signal that the amp makes even worse. All a gain is is a knob that lets you adjust the RCA output voltage to INPUT voltage on the amp, when you abuse it bad things happen, (Deck output = Amp input) The two should be the same. If your deck does 2.5v out, then you should set the gain accordingly to 2.5 volts of input.

General rule of thumb - Stay under half way, no more than 3/4 gain...and don't go wide open on the volume knob...NO BASS BOOST...bass boost is a knob that shouldn't even be there, does nothing but make an even dirtier signal.

Easiest way to do it, turn mids/highs to your normal listening level on the headunit, back the gains down on the amps, adjust up accordingly until it sounds as if it blends well...

Regardless - If you are hearing a 'pop' sound you are unloading the woofers, easy on the gains and the volume knob.

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This is a really good demonstration of what nick is saying...

About the DMM I read that everywhere about the DMM prevents clipping....

but at least i know the truth about it now.....

I am going to order me one of those hand held Oscilloscope like in the video.....

I hope they aren't expensive..

Does anyone know what type he is using

EDIT : found it http://www.electrical-contractor.net/The_Store/EX/381265.htm

Edited by theabunai

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Nick i have set them pretty much the way you just described, when i first installed they would only take a little more than 1/2 gain i am now up to 3/4 gain. The bass boost is at zero. I do go wide open with the volume though, I set my mids and highs on a cross over wide open, then bring in the sub to the loudest/clearest sounding bass...

Just making sure it was normal to be able to give them more power, they dont seem hurt at all they sound awesome, loud low and clear! and with the gain up to 3/4 they really sound off.

theabunai - thanks for the video link it would be nice to see, but that price i think i would rather have a spare Q.

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Call me the A$$hole, but I've been looking for one for a while now. I might buy that sumb!tch!! There isn't a shop in MB that uses any tools other than their ears to set an amp, so that might be good to have. I don't know which would be better for my purposes though, the 'mutliscope' or a T/L. :(

Edited by tejcurrent

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