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Which coil wiring setup should I use?

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I have 4 4 ohm 10's in my car now, wired to 1 ohm for my saz-1500d. I am thinking of upgrading to 4 12's. The 12's I am looking at only come in dvc config, so to get 1 ohm, i need to get dvc-2's. My question is should I wire the coils on each sub series and then wire the subs parallel, or vice-versa? Would it make a difference to the amp? I would end up with a 1 ohm load either way. Any help would be appreciated.

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Doesn't really make a difference, but one-way or the other could be easier to wire up or could use less wire. Depends on how your install is setup.

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Thanks for the diagram jon, but I know how to wire it. My question was if the way you wired it( with each pair of coils wired in series) would be any better for output, or sq versus wiring each pair of coils parallel, then each pair of subs in series( 2 ohms per pair) then each pair of subs in parallel to the amp to achieve 1 ohm at the amp. Like this:

sub1: coil1pos to coil2 pos, coil1 neg to coil2 neg...1ohms.....wire to sub2 in series to get 2 ohms for the pair..... wire to other pair in parallel to achieve 1 ohm.

So, a parallel/series setup vs a series/parallel setup.


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My question was if the way you wired it( with each pair of coils wired in series) would be any better for output, or sq versus wiring each pair of coils parallel,


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Unless you have some really imbalanced coils and you really shouldn't.

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Yeah, like they said, its not going to matter.

There are some extreme cases in SQ comps where wiring them different can do something for your, but in this case.. go with the easiest option as pictured.

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If you listen to Manville Smith of JL Audio, subs should be wired in parallel whenever possible. The coils of each sub can be wired in whatever fashion gives you the final impedance that you need.

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Electricity is pretty dumb and won't really know the difference in the end product. 1 ohm into the amp is 1 ohm (am I wrong?).

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The idea is that with the series wiring between subs the current from the amp has to go through one sub to get to the other. Any nonlinearity in either sub can therefore affect the signal going to the other sub through back EMF. With parallel wiring the amp acts as a shunt to limit the amount that the sub interact electrically with each other.

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wired in series changes the bl force of the driver which helps a little when it comes to the lows, i noticed that when i changed around my clarions, i had less power, went from about 1500Wrms to something like 500Wrms and it seemed to have way better low end to my ears.

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