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i know audiobahn...

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ok there is this kid with 3 12" AW1200Qs nad they r not that bad it gets loud it hurt my ears a lil bit. so i know audiobahn r not good but these we decent what ya think

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lol i just wanna know what ya think i just heared his chit today and wanted ot know if any one had anyhting to say cuz audiobahn is not that good

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yea, i think you might want to use punctuations at least. it doesnt sound the same to someone else as it does to you in your head. :)

Edited by phi

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Sorry. I had to say it. Pulp Fiction is just so good!

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Apparently, their Immortal lines where pretty good.

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My buddy has a aw1508q and it sounds pretty good, a little over rated maybe but its not to bad.

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Overpriced crap. Should be thrown in with the likes of flea market junk. To top it off they look frickin' stupid as well.

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Yeah my friend has their lowest model 15'' in a ranger. Its pretty lound for running off a small rockford amp. Its sounds like poooooooop. Nothing more. But i must say, it takes a beating. The signal is clipped to hell and it still keeps beating.

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we go back to the story of the box of chit with bells and chrome and lights on it....... AB is a bullchit line IMO.

find a company that save money on glitzs and glam and uses the money to make a better sub.. or amp...

like the companys you dont like.... FI and sundown...

wait... you dont like sundown... cause there too nice.. and FI... welll those AA's you have were made by the same hands as fi.

Edited by bigjon

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how old are you youngster your alot like my lil brother hes 18.

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lol 17 all i was saying by this thread was that for what my buddy had it wasn't that bad I am not saying audiobahn is god i am just saying that what he had was ok thought it would be a good topic to talk about not o lets call me a dip chit thread

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Jesus the school system can't be that bad anywhere in the midwest, are you from downtown Detroit. wtf. Sentences kid. Where I am from, 8 year olds can formulate thoughts more cohesively. :(

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damn sean, you ok today?

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damn sean, you ok today?

He's right...

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I am fine, but have tried multiple times to tell the OP that if he really wants help he should spend a little time on his post. It really isn't that hard to get your thought across, but he is thick headed and continues to post like a hood rat. If that is how he wants to be treated we can surely change our answers. Just trying to keep the thread productive and unlike a lot of others who have read it and won't post because of it I will flat out say it. Never expect me to not comment although I realize sometimes people take it personally, it always is an attempt to help them. I realize it makes me sound like a dick sometimes, but I don't really care if people think that however I do know others think exactly what I type but just don't say it.

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lol nah nah well i mean.... i donno.. i have been around here for a little while.. and i know how you get from time to time.. but today you seem to have snapped a little faster then before!

i know he has posted many times about the same drawn out question.. and your right he has refused to take advice,

it does get sad.

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Well back on topic-


I've ran the original immortal, the new eternal series, ultra excursion and flame compression.


Eternal series-

Rated for 900wrms.

Gave metered power of 334w clean power verified by o-scope and after 47 seconds, the sub severely heated up and something got damaged inside.

Brand new at the time! Due to its thermal limit being reached that early... Lied about power handling.

Flame compression-

Lasted 3 weeks.

Spider came unglued, sub shot forward and slammed back down, damaged coil big time.

Only thing holdin it down was rubber surround.

Ultra excursion-

Distributing roughly 400wrms with a clipped signal.

After 13 seconds, both coils caught on fire.

Had to pry the sub out of box and throw it on ground. The box prevented any flames from occurring visibly but smoke was everywhere.


This sub was the best but still severely overrated.

rated for 2000wrms.

Damaged both coils one after another thermally after running about 1100w max clipping for about 6 minutes.

I did the same test with an Audioque HD315 which is what I replaced the immortal with and the AQ never ever got warm. That's why I bought another one and they still work no problems.

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im not gonna boast how amazing Audiobahn is its ok stuff... kids like bling... the buy Audiobahn and are happy with it... nothing wrong with that.

Ive owned many AB products...sure its not up to par with FI but it holds its own... I dont know how u can say you've put so little power to your subs and the smoked so fast... I used a set of old Immortals for almost one full year of SPL actually a pair of 12's quad 2's( re was 1.8) with 4 American Bass 200.1's and they took it with grace... I will admit that they did smell a bit but that is well past their power ratings. that year I went to about 20 some shows and they held up... only issue I had the 3 point was weak in the glue joint but a little bit of GOOP over their factory brittle glue worked wonders... for their time the 12's had tons of Xmax. still got the motors and reconed them with FI parts as the coils smoked when I stepped upto a 16 volt system and had measured almost 10kw per sub... not bad for AB junk eh?

dont bother replying with bashing comments to that... this is just my experience... I sold alot of AB and never had issues as like what u are saying

im sure the AQ's are a better sub but then surely must have cost a bit more than teh AB stuff

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i wont doubt your burping claims.

I'm solely complaining about their rating strategy.

They said 2kw rms, that means it should take that daily.

1100wrms with a helluva lot of clipping didnt let it last.

Meaning... it doesnt have enough cooling properties, glue isn't strong enough.. something there didn't meet what i hoped for.

And to compare retail to retail-

the immortals retailed for $499

The AQs at the time were $409 shipped.

Now look, the AQs are under $300 and still wangin.

The new immortals are comp only now with their high Fs and they expect users to take AB's advice and go, Oh!, the Eternals are like the immortals but can be used for daily... At HALF the rating of the immortal! That's how the original should have been rated, 1kw-1.2kwrms, not 2kw.

But then again, the eternal is rated crazy high.

I am willing to bet the AQ SD 2.5s can handle more power than the eternals can.

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