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Went to Car Toys today....

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Your right, but I didn't invent the term. Maybe we should refer to these as "hybrids" or "crossovers"? Are you saying SPL stands for "Sound Pressure Loud"?

No. But the "level" from SPL doesn't work well when you use S-Q-L or LSQ. Sound Quality Level? Level Sound Quality? No. At least I changed it to loud because that's the meaning behind SPL. At any rate it doesn't much matter, I hate the term and try to never use it.

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Your right, but I didn't invent the term. Maybe we should refer to these as "hybrids" or "crossovers"? Are you saying SPL stands for "Sound Pressure Loud"?

No. But the "level" from SPL doesn't work well when you use S-Q-L or LSQ. Sound Quality Level? Level Sound Quality? No. At least I changed it to loud because that's the meaning behind SPL. At any rate it doesn't much matter, I hate the term and try to never use it.

Fair enough. So what do you suggest we use?

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Whoa champ, I have never said I asked them sir. I said they proffered the information to people while I was in the store. Just a couple weeks ago when picking up an fuse that I ended up overpaying for. I never once said I asked them for help and then they told ME wrong. You inferred that.

Again, My point was there is no point in giving sales people a hard time, but BB and other big box places should be ashamed of the information their sales people give out and what they litteraly lie about. If you ask a sales guy about instalation, he should send you to install if he doesn't know, not lie or tell you what he thinks you might want to hear.

oh i agree fully:)

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My problem with it is that they get paid to help people, and they do by telling them the most ridiculous things. It is their job to know about what they are selling, and when the stereo department head of BestBuy tells me I need a 12" box for a 12" sub and tries to CONVINCE me of that when I tell her she is wrong, then that has crossed the line of what should be accepted as I was only seeking information on a sub my friend potentially wanted to buy, not an ego trip. That and they are spreading that kind of "knowledge" to everyone that it walking in the store...

and half of the kids they spread that to buy it, believe it, and guess what? they go home HAPPY. satisfied with their setup! so what? what is it to you? not everyone needs or even WANTS a competition grade setup! most want a little boom, or to be heard coming down the block (and i don't advocate that either). but guess what? they GET THAT. I'm going off on a tangent here, that's not needed, but my original point stands. these guys are just doing a job. that's all. let them do it. you think you know more than them? great. educate your inquisitive friends. they want to know, give them your knowledge. sign em up here, or even ask questions for them if you don't know the answer! but the salesman are just doing a job, (probably not even a career, a job..)for usually very little money, and don't want to put up with smartass kids.. they do it only because they have to. or better yet.. do as ghandi said- " be the change you wish to see in the world ". meaning- go work at a shop. inform customers to your "truth" tell/show them the good and the bad.. do it. i challenge you. (also-- see how long you last trying to sell a brand the shop DOESNT CARRY to customers. not long i bet..

x2 visitor. I used to be one of those little punks who knew everything or at least thought I did. Now instead of being an ass I try to help people out. There are allot of kids around our town that don't know as much as me and my team but instead of making fun of them and what they think we help them out and tell them what we know. Im actually helping one kid build a box the correct way so maybe he can show someone one day. I think at the end of the day it is way more rewarding to help someone than to make fun of them.

absolutly true. i enjoy helping people learn, and learning when i can:)

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a little off topic but not really....the op kinda reminds me of somethin that happened today.

i was drivin with my cousin leaving school with my friend in the car and we were talkin about subs. he was like, dude kicker and JL make the best subwoofers. i say they dont. he says seriously, solo x's and W7's win ALL of the sound competitions what are you talking about. i started to call him an idiot but instead i was like, i have never even seen solo x's or w7's win at the sound comps i have been to....i go on and eventually get on the subject of Fi and Sundown. hes like, they sound like chitty brands ive never even heard of them. i tell him they make some of the best subwoofers that you can buy, and hes like no fudgein way dude i bet my kickers will murder them. i didnt say anything to that and let him keep ranting on about how loud his kickers are. and then hes like, man whatever dude theres no way anything out there is beatin a JACKHAMMER(AND HE WAS DEAD SERIOUS) i say are you fudgein kidding me thats just a huge ass paper weight. he says dude it costs 20k and can take 12k watts....again i just let him rant on about how good there were. and blah blah blah

all this time we are riding, he has no idea my cousin has 2 15" nightshades in the trunk since hes never been in the car. my cousin flips on the hu, plugs up his ipod and lets him have it. my friend almost chit his pants lol. when we get out hes like, holy chit my ears are fudgein ringing you must have some w7's or some mtx's or somethin...what do you have W7's or somethin

oh and needless to say, he no longer thinks kickers are the best woofers, nor does he think his kickers will murder Sundown or Fi subs lol.

sorry for the long ass story...just thought i would say that. it was a pretty funny convo. i love lettin people think they are schoolin me on car audio and then handin it to em.

Edited by ChiTownTBird312

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thats one of the excuses he kept using....he kept on sayin dude kicker mtx and jl are like the most expensive brands theres no way those other ones are better.


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I remember when Kicker was a good company. Credence use to build their subs right here in the US and Stillwater Designs was all about customer service and quality products.

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I remember when Kicker was a good company. Credence use to build their subs right here in the US and Stillwater Designs was all about customer service and quality products.

Actually they are one of the few old school companies that still makes good products.

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I remember when Kicker was a good company. Credence use to build their subs right here in the US and Stillwater Designs was all about customer service and quality products.

Actually they are one of the few old school companies that still makes good products.

They haven't taken as big of a fall as some others but you will not find Kicker in any of my installs anytime soon. Kicker has gotten so whored out I saw a homeless guy selling it on the corner last week. :D They still make a decent product but their quality has suffered since the build was moved to China. I personally hate the sound of Kicker subs. Way too peaky for me. (Not saying a Kicker system can't sound good.)

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a little off topic but not really....the op kinda reminds me of somethin that happened today.

i was drivin with my cousin leaving school with my friend in the car and we were talkin about subs. he was like, dude kicker and JL make the best subwoofers. i say they dont. he says seriously, solo x's and W7's win ALL of the sound competitions what are you talking about. i started to call him an idiot but instead i was like, i have never even seen solo x's or w7's win at the sound comps i have been to....i go on and eventually get on the subject of Fi and Sundown. hes like, they sound like chitty brands ive never even heard of them. i tell him they make some of the best subwoofers that you can buy, and hes like no fudgein way dude i bet my kickers will murder them. i didnt say anything to that and let him keep ranting on about how loud his kickers are. and then hes like, man whatever dude theres no way anything out there is beatin a JACKHAMMER(AND HE WAS DEAD SERIOUS) i say are you fudgein kidding me thats just a huge ass paper weight. he says dude it costs 20k and can take 12k watts....again i just let him rant on about how good there were. and blah blah blah

all this time we are riding, he has no idea my cousin has 2 15" nightshades in the trunk since hes never been in the car. my cousin flips on the hu, plugs up his ipod and lets him have it. my friend almost chit his pants lol. when we get out hes like, holy chit my ears are fudgein ringing you must have some w7's or some mtx's or somethin...what do you have W7's or somethin

oh and needless to say, he no longer thinks kickers are the best woofers, nor does he think his kickers will murder Sundown or Fi subs lol.

sorry for the long ass story...just thought i would say that. it was a pretty funny convo. i love lettin people think they are schoolin me on car audio and then handin it to em.

I'm not a kicker fan but the solo x's have done very well in spl comps for years.

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I know some one who won a contest with a solo x in fla. street stock b I believe. NOt that I would ever run them but they are pretty loud. Once again everything is ALL IN THE INSTALL. a W7 can do really well in the right enclosure. Just like one DD 3512 can be louder than my 2 15's because my current box sux, and his box is better. Even with my HO alt and better amp. It all depends in the install. Granted if they are all in the BEST enclosure for an individuals vehicle, with the optimum wattage per sub...... Is that what the debate is now, I guess I am wonder where we are going with this, I have been watchin this threas since it began, I like it,

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I know some one who won a contest with a solo x in fla. street stock b I believe. NOt that I would ever run them but they are pretty loud. Once again everything is ALL IN THE INSTALL. a W7 can do really well in the right enclosure. Just like one DD 3512 can be louder than my 2 15's because my current box sux, and his box is better. Even with my HO alt and better amp. It all depends in the install. Granted if they are all in the BEST enclosure for an individuals vehicle, with the optimum wattage per sub...... Is that what the debate is now, I guess I am wonder where we are going with this, I have been watchin this threas since it began, I like it,

Kickers get loud. There is know doubt about that. And yes, Install is Everything. Just about anything can sound good in the right application and vice versa.

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I'm not a kicker fan but the solo x's have done very well in spl comps for years.

i know they do well in spl comps....but he was trying to tell me that they win ALL of the sound comps. when they dont.

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I have been typing S-Q-L and it keeps coming up L-S-Q. Am I retarded?

only because you think S-Q-L is a real term. What is it supposed to stand for? Sound Quality Loud? That doesn't make much sense. maybe Loud Sound Quality is better. They've put a filter on here to change it to LSQ when you post so as to stop the spread of the term.

I was thinking of expanding the filters more to help some spelling and other bad or misleading terms. Might need to start a topic to help collect them all. ;)

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rofl, x2 RIckRolled

dat chitz annoying

geez some people need to take grammar classes all over again.

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And maybe delete the filter that changes Jim's name? haha.

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hah, yeah, i noticed that but then i remembered the whole ordeal.

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hahaha! you sure showed him! i bet you just ruined his day! /sarcasm. grow up. leave them alone. they are trying to do a job, and surely dont need some smartass "know it all" kids with there boutique brands wasting there time, when there may just be someone there who REALLY wants the help. (no, i don't work at a shop, nor do i advocate buying from them, and NO i do NOT dislike boutique brands. matter of fact, i support m5 fully... kids like you just get old. the guy is doing a job. that's all.)

X2 . Every installer , salesman ,or women starts somewhere .and yes, there is a learning curve like to know when someone is wasting your time. And the funny part is the one guy still bought something from them it may have been a register over, but future shops got the last laugh.

I have 0% beef with bestbuy and 100% with someone purposly giving me false information to inflate his wallet.

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i think the big box stores mirror your average consumer. these days the average consumer is looking for the best price on the product they believe is the best. they don't care that it may not be the best, they just want to be told it is, and pay a low price for it. if people in general cared about more their product and how they use it, there would be more emphasis on training and hiring quality employee's who understood the products and how they work. unfortunately the higher overhead due to training and hiring competent employees does not equal profit in the world of big boxes.

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