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Last night was interesting.

Keep in mind I have firefighter/paramedic training, and am still a volunteer firefighter.

So I stop in at work for a few minutes to see what I have to get done today. I'm sitting in my office chair and looking out my window out to the street. Across the street comes this bigger woman in a motorized wheelchair wearing a long dress.

Now, she's sitting in her chair waiting for the light to change. She had pushed the button, and is facing in such a way that she is parallel to the road she wants to cross (instead of facing it). The light turns green, she goes to turn, and her wheel must have just caught a rock the right way ... because she bailed.

First reaction is to run over there, so I busted my ass and got over there.

Here's where it gets interesting.

Do I stabilize her neck? She's in a wheelchair, maybe she's paralyzed.

Does she take any medication? Maybe she's going to go into shock.

Just how brittle are her bones? She's screaming.

She calms down, I make sure her neck is ok. Paramedics have been called, but I know the typical response time in this fucking pathetic town is ~ 3 minutes, if you're lucky (we were a mere minute drive from the hospital if you turn your goddamn lights/sirens on).

I know she's going to throw up, so I roll her onto her side. Meanwhile, of course a crowd has formed and of course no one has any sort of first aid that can help me :rolleyes:

So I reach down and roll her over. My hand on her back moves, my other hand just moves through the air. She has no legs. Just amputated.

First thing I'm thinking ... infection.

Paramedics arrive, I give them the run down in a matter of seconds and one stands there staring at me like they didn't understand a word I just said, too busy with her hand up her ass I guess.

Tell them, listen, that bandage isn't on properly ... worry about infection, the ground isn't exactly hospital-clean.

But who cares, throw a board under her, throw her in the back of the bus, and drive to the hospital.

Pisses me off ... I stop in this morning and yeah, she's lucky, but she has a minor inection they're trying to deal with. Could have been prevented with a little care and treatment at the scene.

That's why I haven't been back to the station since we reponded to my last call - guy on a motorcycle hit by a car, arrive and drive past an arm, another arm, a leg. Guy lived, but he has one leg, a shoulder, and a torso.

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Dennis, you want a good career ... become a paramedic for a couple years and move into being a surgeon or ER doctor.

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Man that'd piss me off the carelessnes that is.

Ramos I was talkin about the tuning/net volume, lol.

Edited by dru

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Last night was interesting.

Keep in mind I have firefighter/paramedic training, and am still a volunteer firefighter.

So I stop in at work for a few minutes to see what I have to get done today.  I'm sitting in my office chair and looking out my window out to the street.  Across the street comes this bigger woman in a motorized wheelchair wearing a long dress.

Now, she's sitting in her chair waiting for the light to change.  She had pushed the button, and is facing in such a way that she is parallel to the road she wants to cross (instead of facing it).  The light turns green, she goes to turn, and her wheel must have just caught a rock the right way ... because she bailed.

First reaction is to run over there, so I busted my ass and got over there.

Here's where it gets interesting.

Do I stabilize her neck?  She's in a wheelchair, maybe she's paralyzed.

Does she take any medication?  Maybe she's going to go into shock.

Just how brittle are her bones?  She's screaming.

She calms down, I make sure her neck is ok.  Paramedics have been called, but I know the typical response time in this pucking pathetic town is ~ 3 minutes, if you're lucky (we were a mere minute drive from the hospital if you turn your goddamn lights/sirens on).

I know she's going to throw up, so I roll her onto her side.  Meanwhile, of course a crowd has formed and of course no one has any sort of first aid that can help me :rolleyes:

So I reach down and roll her over.  My hand on her back moves, my other hand just moves through the air.  She has no legs.  Just amputated.

First thing I'm thinking ... infection. 

Paramedics arrive, I give them the run down in a matter of seconds and one stands there staring at me like they didn't understand a word I just said, too busy with her hand up her ass I guess.

Tell them, listen, that bandage isn't on properly ... worry about infection, the ground isn't exactly hospital-clean.

But who cares, throw a board under her, throw her in the back of the bus, and drive to the hospital.

Pisses me off ... I stop in this morning and yeah, she's lucky, but she has a minor inection they're trying to deal with.  Could have been prevented with a little care and treatment at the scene.

That's why I haven't been back to the station since we reponded to my last call - guy on a motorcycle hit by a car, arrive and drive past an arm, another arm, a leg.  Guy lived, but he has one leg, a shoulder, and a torso.

Bravo my brother bravo, least your town has you :)

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Man that'd piss me off the carelessnes that is.

Ramos I was talkin about the tuning/net volume, lol.

well let me look again :)

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Man I'm hungry. Here are my choices

grilled cheese


hot pockets

sandwich club style

microwaved nuggets

I kno theres more.

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people are stupid.

my friend broke his arm right in half, like his hand was hanging. he starts to go into shock so i go to sit him down while we wait for an ambulance (we are probably 30min from the nearest hospital if you where going 80 the whole way) and some jakcalope runs over and starts acting like he knows first aid. He says "no dont set him down he might throw up or pass out"

correct me if i am wrong but isnt the position with the feet raised and head tilted best or was i dreaming all through my CPRcertification/First Aid cartification/Life Guard Certification/6 years of boy scouts?

and this guy clamed to be an ER.

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Man I'm hungry.  Here are my choices

grilled cheese


hot pockets

sandwich club style

microwaved nuggets

I kno theres more.

I always try to keep a supply of fresh pastrami and onion rolls when I'm home.

Speaking of that, I'm running low...:(

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<internal dialogue>

No, Jim...don't even think about it.

if i had any clue how to use that im sure i would want one too

I posted a link a week or so ago to a guy who built a 200W, Class A guitar amplifier with one. The voltages involved are frightening...

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i'm awake, last night chewy knocked the laptop off the bed, into the floor, landed right on the power cord, luckily it didn't snap, but it did push it into the comp, i'll have to take it apart to fix it...son of a bisch

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<internal dialogue>

No, Jim...don't even think about it.

if i had any clue how to use that im sure i would want one too

I posted a link a week or so ago to a guy who built a 200W, Class A guitar amplifier with one. The voltages involved are frightening...

*goes to find said link*

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Went to the courthouse earlier this morning, got my jury date moved up to August 2nd.

Now I just need to make myself a very undesirable person to be selected that day :)

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<internal dialogue>

No, Jim...don't even think about it.

if i had any clue how to use that im sure i would want one too

I posted a link a week or so ago to a guy who built a 200W, Class A guitar amplifier with one. The voltages involved are frightening...

*goes to find said link*


That was it.

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Dru's lunch:

Two grilled chz sandwiches

Philly Chzstk Hotpocket

Bottle of Orange Gatorade

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my head is busting

and that guitar amp thing is cool but give me a case of beer two bananas and a kitten and i can make the same thing

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my head is busting

and that guitar amp thing is cool but give me a case of beer two bananas and a kitten and i can make the same thing

Wouldn't you just drink the beer and be left with two bananas and a kitten?


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Went to the courthouse earlier this morning, got my jury date moved up to August 2nd.

Now I just need to make myself a very undesirable person to be selected that day :)

Be sure to where your " kill em all and let god sort them out " Tshirt :)

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my head is busting

and that guitar amp thing is cool but give me a case of beer two bananas and a kitten and i can make the same thing

Wouldn't you just drink the beer and be left with two bananas and a kitten?


That sounds kind of freaky ..... :ughdunno::)

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I need some cheap, decent components for the winter/daily beater.

Budget and what size?

I'll keep an eye out for you. Maybe flakko has a good deal on something right now.

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<internal dialogue>

No, Jim...don't even think about it.

if i had any clue how to use that im sure i would want one too

I posted a link a week or so ago to a guy who built a 200W, Class A guitar amplifier with one. The voltages involved are frightening...

*goes to find said link*


That was it.

thats pretty darned cool

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