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2 SSA Icons with which Sundown Amp?

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I have 2 SSA Icon 15s and wanted to know if I should get the 1000, 1200, or 1500.

I read on here that it if I have a bigger box then I will need less power and also that the 1200 can out out as much power as the 1500 on a normal, daily, unstrapped setup. Would there be much of a audible difference if I use the 1000 rather than the 1200 or 1500?

2 SSA Icons 15s

8 cuft ported box tuned to 32hz

**I know everyone will say 1500 but I m thinking about the price as well and would it be worth spending hundreds more for a little change. I was leaning towards the 1200 because of the power it can give out or the 1000 because I have a big box and need less power.

Edited by phresh

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Goal? You probably won't notice a ton of change with an extra 200ish watts per sub. The meter might tell you differently though.

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Goal? You probably won't notice a ton of change with an extra 200ish watts per sub. The meter might tell you differently though.

Just trying to see which one is louder. No meters, just daily play.

Would it be worth buying the 1500 over the 1000 with my setup?

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icons are 1000w rms

Lol... yea i know

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Between the 1000 and the 1500 I bet you would notice a slight difference. When switching from 600w to 1000w on my Q I figure the difference was negligible.

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i love power i vote 1500

plus dont forget they are underrated, probably around 1700 watts

Edited by BoomBoxB

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I have a 1500 and love it. I vote the 1500. But if price is an issue the 1200 is on sale and from what I read it is quite underrated. That may be a good choice for a daily setup.

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Dude.. just jump on the SAZ-2kD preorder for $425


x2, if you can't afford the 425 (you should probably just save) you can get 1500's from db-r.com for $350 refurbished. there's nothing wrong with having some extra power (dynamic overhead is a good thing!) on tap even if you don't use it.

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I was powering a pair of 10'' icons with 500w each and it got them moving pretty well. I agree with the suggestion of the saz2000d though, it's always nice to have some headroom.

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What voice coils do you have? D1's or D2's?

If D2's I would say saz 3000d @2ohms the output would be around 2000 watts.

If D1's I would say saz 1500d @1ohm the output should be around 1700 watts.

Just my opinion


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If i were you i would snag the 2000D on the presale.

But either would be a good investment.

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Thanks everybody!!

Im going to go with either the 1500 or 2000.

I figured if I gonna spend lots of money I might as well get the best and i can get the 1200 to 2000 all for within about $100 of each other.

probably gonna get the 2000 and keep the gains down. :morepower1:

Good idea? But then I have to worry about upgrading my alt right? I have a 03 Tahoe.

Decisions, decisions, decisions...

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The icons would handle the 2000 like champs ;)

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Just did some research and gonna go with the 1500.

P.S. Just for some people looking for info, you can have the 1500 at 1ohm on a stock alternator (even around 110a), big 3 upgrade, and all 1/0ga wire and run it all day and be fine.


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but you could get 500 rms more for probably cheaper which is 425 on presale 2000d. even thogh you made a decision.

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but you could get 500 rms more for probably cheaper which is 425 on presale 2000d. even thogh you made a decision.

Depends if he is buying new.

I just got a deal I could not turn down on a 1500D for almost half the cost of the 2000D.

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2000d's arent out yet, so you would have to wait. either way tho you will be happy, these amps are great hardly get hot at 1ohm.

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get the 2000d be on the look out with your gain...... what if you want to swich your subs around one day go with the 2000d.......................

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get the 2000d be on the look out with your gain...... what if you want to swich your subs around one day go with the 2000d.......................

I dont want to have to buy a new alternator though. My car cant take the 1500 with no problem but its the 2000 i would be worried about getting.

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get 2000d presale and you have about three months to save for an alternator. cant put a price on happiness.

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get the 2000d be on the look out with your gain...... what if you want to swich your subs around one day go with the 2000d.......................

I dont want to have to buy a new alternator though. My car cant take the 1500 with no problem but its the 2000 i would be worried about getting.

Your car may not even be able to take the 1500w. Granted its less than 2000, but typically problems arise after the 1000w mark or so I've heard.

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i didnt want to get another alt, but after i did i was pleased, no more ghetto ass headlight dimming. even tho it cost me 500$

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