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Aaron Clinton

SSA's Daily fitness iHop

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I would assume the ratios are different by brand, so no way to know unless they listed on their site maybe.

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Sunday was about 125* and no work so again a day off. I think sat and sun are my 'no gym' days.

Cable pull down 70

Cable curls 60 (IIRC)

Forearm gripper 90

Forearm DB curls 35 each

Tricep cable extensions 60

Standing curls 40

Overhead tricep extensions 50

And my favorite exercise

Shrugs 160

My problem here is my grip wont hold it for me but my traps say I can shrug WAY more than 160. Any ideas here guys?

And I gotta start remembering a log book to carry in with me so i can post here later.

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Get some straps. I've seen guys use them on the smith machine for doing shrugs. They wrap around your wrist, then around the bar a couple times. That way the wrapped strap carries most of the weight and puts it on the top of your hand, where the increased size over your wrist holds it up. I've seen some people use them on the pullup bar too.

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I'll have to find some.........beacuse my grip just DIES.

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Although they do have their limits. Last week a guy was shrugging a ton on the smith machine, something like 500 lbs, and I think one of his straps broke. Haha.

I took a rest day yesterday. My calves were and still are pretty sore from killing them on Sunday. But they just seem so small. I kinda have chicken legs so I was trying to work them pretty hard.

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Today I did:

Seated high row

Seated dumbbell curls

Front and side shoulder raises w. dumbbells

Low row

Preacher Curls

Overhand grip curls on cable machine

I'm not sure of the name, but you're standing inclined forward being held by feet and legs in a stand, then bend down and back up while holding a weight (lower back exercise)

Upright ab stand

Ab exercise laying on bench press bench and lifting straight legs to each side where the weights added to the bench press bar are

3 miles on stationary bike

10 minutes of jump rope

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I believe your talking about the roman chair. I did that today, forwards and sides with a 25 lb plate (3 sets 10x)

Cable cross overs 40 each side

Low row (aka seated row) 65

And thats about it. Hella people on the bench power strength machine, and out of thr 4 flat benches we have NONE were open at all.

Goddamn I hate slacking. But I am tipping in at 213 but the wife claims the gut is hella smaller.

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Yeah my gym was super packed yesterday also, maybe the busiest I've ever seen it. It kinda sucked. When I was doing the roman chair, as you call it, a guy came and stood right in front of me and did some bent over exercise so I got to look at his ass every time I came up. WTF. There was of room to the side.

I'm almost to 190 lbs. My arms are now 15.5", by far the biggest they've ever been. A year ago they were only 14" or so. I've been 178-185 lbs for the last 5 years. Finally getting a little more on. But I'm 6'3" and have a super wide frame, so I have a lot to fill in.

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Eh I am not built by any terms, but I dont exactly have genes to be a small guy by nature. Half Italian, and a quarter German, quarter Polish .............I'm gonna be a bigger framed guy.


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My problem here is my grip wont hold it for me but my traps say I can shrug WAY more than 160. Any ideas here guys?

Work on your grip. My grip is excellent, especially in my right hand. :peepwall: But seriously, use straps and start working on your grip with something like Ironmind's Captains of Crush hand grippers. I'm thinking of starting with these myself.

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Today I'm starting to switch things up, instead of doing 3 x 8-10 reps, I'm going to do 5 x 5-6. Today was all legs, including-

Hack Squat

Seated calf raises

seated leg curl

leg extension

Regular Squat

Face-down leg curl


Then I did 20 minutes on bike, although I switched that up to and moved to random hill setting, as opposed to the flatlanding I was doing before. Which was weird, because it said I did 7.5 miles in 20 minutes of hill time today, but on the flat land setting I would only do about 3.5 miles in 20 minutes at the same RPM.

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Get some straps. I've seen guys use them on the smith machine for doing shrugs. They wrap around your wrist, then around the bar a couple times. That way the wrapped strap carries most of the weight and puts it on the top of your hand, where the increased size over your wrist holds it up. I've seen some people use them on the pullup bar too.

I can't live with out them. med_gallery_3_2_21732.jpg


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30 minutes on ellptical ~ 382 calories

4 x 12 dead lifts

4 x 8 standing dumb bell curls

4 x 8 standing machine curls

4 x 8 lat pull downs

4 x 8 seated lat rows

3 x 10 standing weighted abdominal twists

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Yesterday I did

Bench press

Laying down tricep barbell lift

Chest lift in big cable machine where you grasp both handles on the bottom of the two towers and pull them up in front of you

Tricep pushdown with both bar and the rope

Pectoral fly machine

various ab stuff

Both in front of head and behind head military press

Shoulder shrugs

Ran 1.5 miles

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Yesterday was a nearly 3 hour mixture of swimming, some water aerobics (easy on the knee), and chasing my son and his cousins around the pool.

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30 minutes on ellptical ~ 382 calories

4 x 12 dead lifts

4 x 8 standing dumb bell curls

4 x 8 standing machine curls

4 x 8 lat pull downs

4 x 8 seated lat rows

3 x 10 standing weighted abdominal twists

I almost did the exact same workout yesterday.

lat pull down

dumbbell curls

shoulder lifts, both to side and and forward

seated row

dead lift

C-sit ab workout and the upright ab machine


20 minutes on bike on hills setting

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30 minutes really intense on the elliptical (403 calories)

3 x 12 standing dumbell bi-cep curls

3 x 10 standing bent over vertical dumbell rows

5 x 7 fast pace chin ups

4 x 12 hammer curls

6 x 12 standing lat rows

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40 minutes on the ellptical 514 Calories

4 x 10 Bench Press

5 x 10 Side shoulder flies

4 x 10 Incline dumbell flies

5 x 8 Shoulder Press

3 x 10 push ups

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Today I did:


45* donkey calf raises

seated leg curl

Leg Press + calf presses

Step-ups holding weights onto about 1.5' tall platform

Lunge dips

Ab twists on cables

3 miles on bike about as fast as I could go, steady 100 rpm for ~11 minutes

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I'll post this weeks updates after Friday's workout

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400 calories on elliptical

4 sets of overhead dumbell tri-cep raises.

4 sets of shoulder shrugs

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Does sex count as daily fitness? I think so :D

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Haven't been on since last week because I was out of town all weekend plus the last two days. Last Friday I did (trying to remember):

Bench press

tricep pushdowns

decline bench

military press

Tricep dips

About 40 pushups

Ab work

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Today was pretty simple:

45 minutes on the elliptical for 592 calories.

1 set of standing dumbell curls to failure.

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Ran a little over 2 miles yesterday. It was hot, like 95*, but I felt surprisingly good, though. The run through the sprinklers going over the sidewalk helped a little.

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