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06' RE Audio XXX 18s or Soundstream XXX-18s?

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I am looking at either 6 06'RE Audio XXX 18's, 6 Soundstream XXX-18's, or building my own subs from scratch.

What I must have: More than my current 30mm Xmax, 40mm Xmech, more than 11 for a Bl ( my subs are custom dual 4 ohm so I believe 8 layer and a touch more Bl than the single 4....as per website for s2 and s4... " Bl: 8.43 N/A | 11.8 N/A" )

A standard 3.5" p-p 1/2 roll surround will not gain any excursion. I am NOT looking to gain any output from gain in Bl and/or efficiency! So BTL/BL/Q... SMD/HAVOC/Mayhem... Maelstrom-X.. all will be ignored.

I can get the Soundstream XXX's refurbed for 1/2 the cost of authorized internet RE Audio new.

I may order coils, plates, pole pieces, double surrounds, basket, etc... and build my own.

What I have and will NOT change: 50 cubic feet, 20" diameter port 18" long for a 23Hz tune. 4 AP30001D's and electric to back them. LP 31.5Hz 30dB slope, HP 22Hz 30dB slope. Don't like it? please don't post. It's not for your car, it's not for what you like or want, it's not for what's "right" or "wrong" or could or should be done. I know 99% of all posts will be "do this instead" and "youre retarded" and thats fine, I simply ignore them and let you have your fun accomplishing whatevber you get out of taking your time to read all this mumbo jumbo, taking the time to click reply, taking the time to type shit I am going to just skip anyway.

Those of you who take it seriousely, think outside the box, and at least attempt to help: THANK YOU, much respect!

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Holy crap!!!! This is going to be insane!!!!! If it happensmak A build log. And I would go with the soundstream xxx's and power them at rms. 60000 watts ftw!!

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all three plots using Linkwitz HP 22Hz LP 32Hz

excursion plots, bringing power up until Xmax is reached

red 50 cubic feet 23Hz tune. power 49000 watts

green 50 cubic feet 32Hz tune. power 20000 watts

Note that at 32Hz, the red is at its peak excursion while green is at its least, and that greens "high side of the impedance saddle" excursion is still very little, as expected. Going from 23Hz to 32Hz is inverted. Whole different ball game.


same as above but included 55 cubic feet sealed, yellow, port takes up 5 cubic feet. 20000 watts.


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I would do the RE XXX, they have (waay) more excursion and can handle a great amount of power.

Edited by kirill007

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I'm for the Re XXX's too. I had 2 18's in my old Explorer and they were loud as hell and sounded great

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I'm for the Re XXX's too. I had 2 18's in my old Explorer and they were loud as hell and sounded great

Ive decided, and its a GO! RE XXX!

some more junk we did on the side today:




talking him into selling his prefab and going single slot port down the side, along the back


the batmobile!








a lotta work ahead:

Subway:eat fresh!



Edited by kryptonitewhite

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