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for my first box i think it turned out pretty good! i was concerned with the very strange angles of the box and what no, but sounds very clean!!

OH! i added some FKA 116 MB Quart (6.5) speakers for the rear. (you can see in the back of the picture) i didnt want to spend a lot for the rears, but they sound great! cool little speakers. def beats stock! haha

Edited by Havasufreak

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Congratz bro nice little box for a starter! turned out really good.

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well i have not updated this build thread for awhile now. ive had everything done for maybe a little more then a month. the bl 10 sounds great!




there is a 60/ 40 rear bench seat that looks tempting to put a box in place of the 40 section seat..

here is a picture with the room i have with the chair all the way reclined.


and here are some really rough sketch numbers of what i have to work with..


the dimensions are:

21" tall

18" wide

19" long top

32" long bottom

so im probably going to look into this!!

i would run the same set up just switch subs. i have the sundown 1200d v.2 amp now and probably would get a FI BL 15". it looks like i can get just about 4 cu ft where i would put the sub if i used aeroports. just dont know what size. maybe 1 6" or 2 4" ports?

lemme know what u think!! thanks!

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That build does look insane already... Nice fit and look man... GL on upgrading though...!

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Ok. so i finally got time where it hasn't been raining around my area so i began on the sub box for the bl 15"

i didnt take as many pics as i would have liked haha. so i will take some more on the rest of the build tomorrow and etc...

so far i have a little more then half the box structure built. still need to add the dowels, (3) 4" aeroport holes and along as the sub box hole.

wish it wasnt sprinkling so i could have got more done... lol. i kind of rushed the box inside the garage in so it didnt get wet.





i have a bunch of weights on top of the box with plenty of pressure pushing down. getting very excited!!

with the sub its at 5.1cuft right now

still confused how i will figure out the cu ft that the dowels and aeroports will take up.

Edited by Havasufreak

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still confused how i will figure out the cu ft that the dowels and aeroports will take up.

Enclosure is lookin' good. Try this site, should have what you need to figure out the calculations you are still confused about.

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EDIT was due to i realized the enclosure is bigger then i thought. lol.

thanks sefugi! cant wait for all of it to get together. im worried ill want a btl after this and just end up using my whole back section of my quad cab truck sooner or later. hahah

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still confused how i will figure out the cu ft that the dowels and aeroports will take up.

dowels and aeroports won't take up THAT much space. If you pretended they didn't effect enclosure volume, it would raise your tuning maybe a hertz or so. Not going to be audible really.



80in^2 port area. Box Volume: 5.0cubes Port Length: 40.52in Tuning: 30hz

80in^2 port area. Box Volume: 4.8cubes Port Length: 40.58in Tuning: 30.6hz

80in^2 port area. Box Volume: 4.6cubes Port Length: 40.51in Tuning: 31.28hz

As you can see, the box volume in the above has a difference of up to 0.4cubes, and by keeping the same port length, tuning has risen to a little more then a hertz.

Not sure how much volume the ports take up, figure your bl has a displacement of 0.21cubes...

Examples were calculated from 12volt site.

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thanks stefan!! yes you are correct with it being 0.21

the box is 5.4 cuft total. the sub is .21 so that takes me to about 5.1 i believe.

im starting to worry my (3) 4" areoports wont fit above the sub. is it possible to have the sub in front and ports in the back??

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thanks stefan!! yes you are correct with it being 0.21

the box is 5.4 cuft total. the sub is .21 so that takes me to about 5.1 i believe.

im starting to worry my (3) 4" areoports wont fit above the sub. is it possible to have the sub in front and ports in the back??

What direction did you plan on having the driver fire towards? What direction did you plan on having the ports fire towards?

And now, you want to do sub firing forward into the dash and ports back?

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well i was going to have the sub facing forward and the ports above... so all facing forward where you see the wood slant.

but it kinda looks like it wont fit. so i shall see once it all gets put together... maybe im wrong.

but will that work? with the sub facing towards the front of the truck and areoports facing the back of the truck? i dont see that working? i have the space. just not sure if the air flow will just go out of wack

Edited by Havasufreak

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That's the thing that's nice about aeros, just add them in once the box is done. Figure out if they'll fit above the driver, perhaps you can stagger them.

What's the height and width for the panel that the driver is being mounted to?

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i have to remember though its slanted. so thats what i have to figure out

Ah, have you figured out port length for the aeros?

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in my previous posts i said i needed longer port length, but i just realized right now as i put my numbers in. i made the box bigger because i felt like using more room. lol. so instead of my ports being 21-24" in length they can be 14-16" in length. which is nice. haha

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Nice! I like the slant, fits perfectly behind seat :D

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thank you!! :drink40:

im starting to think of having the sub face up instead of on the slant..... hmmmm... i dont know :ughdunno:

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what would you guys recommend? on the slant? or on top?

only reason i would put in on the slant is due to people wouldnt be able to see it by looking in the window.

what would you guys do? im kind of second guessing myself

thanks!! :drink40:

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I say facing up base notes will travel longer distance and get longer since it has to hit the roof.

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well. i decided to go with putting the sub cutout on top instead of on the slant.

got the 1 inch dowels in today as well. still need to add a couple more this weekend. i also got the last side piece cut.





im really liking how the box is turning out!!

i have a question though. would it be ok to use a different type of wood for the double baffle? :ughdunno:

i used just about every inch of the MDF board i bought and it would be a pain to get more just for an 18 x 18 piece of wood.

thanks for looking!! :dancing:

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got more dowels in today. my (3) 4" aero ports arrived the other day as well!

getting closer! post pics later tomorrow! should have my second baffle ready tomorrow too

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