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So my amprack is going to have 3 plexi windows. On the left and right are 2 big windows that show my amps, each with a blue cold cathode to provide lighting. Now in the middle, I'm going to have this smaller piece (big thanks to Mike aka azbass):


I want to light up this piece with a different color using an LED. Now, I need yall's opinion/help.

a. Should I even put an LED in this piece?

b. If so, what exactly do I need to do?

- how do I go about installing it? (plexi is 1/4" btw)

- what power source should I use?

- do I need to buy anything other than the LED like a resistor or anything?

c. Should I go with a white, purple/UV LED, or any other color? I kinda don't want it blue so that it'll stand out, unless you guys think I should do otherwise.

Here's the links to the LED's I'm considering:



As usual, thanks for your time.

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Depends on the effect you want. I'm taking it you just want the DLS illuminated. If that's the case, one LED should do you fine and you will need a resistor. Mount the LED so that it is beaming into the side of the plexi.

If you want to use Red, Blue, or Green, let me know. I have some ultra-bright ones and plenty of resistors to go around too. I'll just send them in the mail. Save you from wasting money on buying some and having them shipped or gas to go to the Shack or parts store.

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Should I drill a hole into the plexi and put the LED into the hole or can I just get away with putting the LED next to the plexi?

Thanks for the offer, Ryan. I'll take a Red and Green LED and appropriate resistors. YGPM. Nice to have people helping me out on here :)

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You can mount it next to the plexi, just as long as it is beaming into it. When you get them, just hook them up to a small 12V PS and play around with them to see how they work in relation to the lighting effect you desire.

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Lets hope I finish this thing sometime this year. It's been a month without audio in my car.

Which do yall think will look best with the blue cathodes; Red, Green, or Blue LED?

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Dennis, i was messing around today cuz i was bored and "etched" ( sanded) the DLS logo into some of my smoked plexi. Its opposite of what mike did, i wasnt planning to make it that way but when i pulled the paper back it was the wrong one :Doh:

Blue with blue.

White wouldve been cool too

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Hmm, I can just go pick up a white one and try that too.

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No offense dennis, but that looks sketchy. If you want I can get you in contact with some guy that can laser engrave one for you for not that huge of a chunk of cash and I guarentee it'll look 1000X better. As far as lighting it, unlike ryan, I think you'll need more than 1 LED to make it really stand out. I'd personally reccomend the THC^3 LED's from LSDiodes.com. A little expensive, but you're only doing it once right? I'd use 3 to 6 of them. I'm not just guessing I've illuminated laser engraved plexi before.

I can get you any info you may need, but I've been drinking, so now's not the best time.

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No offense dennis, but that looks sketchy.  If you want I can get you in contact with some guy that can laser engrave one for you for not that huge of a chunk of cash and I guarentee it'll look 1000X better.  As far as lighting it, unlike ryan, I think you'll need more than 1 LED to make it really stand out. I'd personally reccomend the THC^3 LED's from LSDiodes.com.  A little expensive, but you're only doing it once right?  I'd use 3 to 6 of them.  I'm not just guessing I've illuminated laser engraved plexi before.

I can get you any info you may need, but I've been drinking, so now's not the best time.

He's getting more than one so he can use however many he needs. With that small piece though, 1 should be enough.

On another note, how much does the laser etching run? I paid $15 for a stick to put over mine which was a template I used for glass beading. It turned out perfectly. I doubt the Laser etching is cheaper or easier for that matter, but I have open ears.

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What's the voltage rating on the LEDs you're sending me, Ryan? I'm probably gonna run 4 LEDs in series.

Still unsure about which color to run. White would be sweet but expensive.

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Max forward voltage of 3.4V. I've done the series thing , but wiring with 5 to be on the safe side, and for some reason, the damn things won't last. Tried this 3 times and after going through 75 LEDs, I just use a resistor now and wire them all up in parallel. Haven't had any problems. Note, this problem was only on my Cobra where I was using them instead of the normal brakelights, so that may have been the reason caused by a voltage spike, but I'd rather be safe than have to redo something every couple days.

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I'm not taliking about etching... I'm talking about engraving, hwere a larger portion is actually removed, gives it a very nice 3D look and is awesome when lit up.

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I'm not taliking about etching...  I'm talking about engraving, hwere a larger portion is actually removed, gives it a very nice 3D look and is awesome when lit up.

good stuff here... i hope you dont mind UCP...


im thinkin bout gettin something dun for my next install.

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Very nice. How's pricing go on that. Much better looking than any etch.

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more info on this, that engraving turned out nice, i might want some stuff engraved :-D

on the LED note i've been running some in my car for...well at least a year without any problems, i don't use resistors, just run them in series, but all mine were in the interior.

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