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Mosquito Bites

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So I've been spending my summers in the upper peninsula of Michigan all my life. It's a great place, but needless to say, the mosquitoes here get pretty freaking ridiculous with our swamp out back. I've heard some pretty crazy remedies for trying to stop the itch (everything from mint leaves, to lemon juice, to dog saliva). I was wondering if anyone out there has any homemade remedies. Cause I definitely got the itch :(

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Let's see, Ammonia, clear nail polish, That's all I can think of. My dad uses those with great success.

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vicks... garlic cloves... product call skin so soft... rubbing alcohol (after having scratched it alot) .... sometimes ice cubes on it for a while takes it away... i know some weirdos that poke/puncture it slightly and it somewhat goes away of the throw some rubbing alcohol in that...

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May sound weird but i use vicks. Um the gel kind lol sorry idk what it's called exactly but that always makes the itch go away. And I believe the more you scratch it more it's going to itch. Good luck on your solution.

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super glue..the real purpose it serves it to dry the skin out

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super glue..the real purpose it serves it to dry the skin out


Or just don't itch, mind over matter :P

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I use clear nail polish, super glue or ammonia for tick, chigger and mosquito bites. Avon Skin So Soft works great as a repellent. I buy the big jug of it and refill little spray bottles, I try to keep one in my tackle box and one in every car.

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